Do you want to know what it takes to live a life with absolute freedom?Freedom to live a life of your dreams and the freedom to do what ever it is that you desire. We discover what it takes and how to create and have freedom in your relationships, career, creativity, finances, health, and spirituality.
Imagine waking up and starting the day living your ideal life, what would that look and feel like? This is your life and it is to be lived as you wish. What is your hidden why, your purpose, what have you been put here to do?
The Hidden Why is aimed to help and assist you in discovering your why and how to live your life with passion and purpose.
Hello listeners, thank you so, so much for tuning in and big welcome and much respect. Your presence here is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
If this is your first time I want to take the time out to give you a run down on why I created this show and what it is all about.
I also would like to ask for you patience, support and feedback on my journey as this is so very new to me and I am sure their will be some ups and downs along the way. If like me you are impatient than please persevere. It is my goal to continually improve my skills, the content of the show and its purpose, and provide consistently free and valuable information, tools, practices, thoughts, ideas and inspiration to all my listeners and subscribers.
So what is the hidden why?
This came about with my curiosity and transition into the self-improvement scene. Not too long ago I was one of those living beings that seemed not to be living any more. I had fun, and worked hard and always seemed to be busy but something in life was missing. I realised that I had lost my passion for life. I realised that my life was being lived without purpose and I felt lost and almost empty.
This was not always the case. When I was a kid I was always inspired to try new things, create things and my curiosity was generally on cloud nine. But along the way the path became muddy, my surroundings became overgrown and no longer was I walking anywhere in particular.
I felt as if this was all that life was. Work, get paid, spend money on the days off and consume, and consume the wrong type of stuff. I wasn’t happy, perhaps slightly depressed and I knew that this is not how I could go on living life. I felt if this was it until I was 60 or 70 when I retired, it just didn’t make sense to me.
Then one day something changed.
I realised that I was no longer living life for me, and all that I valued but rather for everyone and everything else. Impatient and perhaps slightly selfish I had to make it more about me.
I was in a sad and unhappy state and almost angry about the world. Hey believe me I had it good, better than most in this world I am sure but it was eating at me, it was eating at who I was and eating away at all those I loved.
Change came but not by choice. My attitudes towards my job were gone and eventually it found me being fired. Yep, not the best way out but certainly was my blessing in disguise.
For a while I suffered and sorrowed in my own self-pity but not for long. I quickly picked myself up, dust myself off and made change happen. And really when I look at it the universe made change happen for me, thank you.
So I took action daily to step outside of everything I thought I knew, everything I was taught to believe and away from what society expected. I was sick of living the status quo and decided I was going to find a path that I want, one which my dreams and visions could be followed.
My problem was I didn’t really know how. All I was ever taught was to study, then find a job and work. Follow the herd. I was never really taught about the path to finding and following my own passions or how to create my own vehicle to freedom and to live life with passion and purpose.
So I started listening to podcasts on self-improvement.
I enlisted the guidance of mentors and coaches. I started to expand my education and adopted a lifestyle that revolved around perpetual and continuous self-enhancement.
Slowly I become more inspired by these amazing stories and passionate people.
My own limiting beliefs still existed. The kind of belief we all have. The belief that these people, these mentors, can seem to live a life with such great passion and purpose but I would never be able to do what they do, I could never be as great as they are.
But as time passed I gained more courage. I learnt more about myself and in the process of trial and error I discovered something that excited me. Something that everyday I become so passionate about it became an addiction.
I became an addict to self-improvement. I expanded beyond podcasts into books, seminars, coaches, and audio books, what ever it was that I could get my hands on.
Which leads me right to “The hidden why.”
I decided that to better teach myself I needed to write about what I was learning. I had a need to share these learning with others. I didn’t simply want to push it on my family and friends, although I did, and they noticed, but I wanted to put it out there for the world to listen, those that choose to listen.
And I created my blog, I wrote and first weekly but eventually everyday. I always loved to write when I was younger and have even written hundreds of poems. So as it turned out I found another passion or rather rediscovered it, writing.
While writing was going well, posting 3 blogs a week made me feel great and my learning’s into the self-improvement field continued my passion only grew. I realised then that it was my mission in life to help millions of others do the same.
Discover their passion, find their why, and live with greater purpose.
When you find what it is that you love, and start living life following your passions and your dreams the world transforms. There are less cloudy days covered with grey skies and more positive days filled with happiness, adventure, good challenge and excitement. You feel free. It is liberating!
My goal now is to help others find their freedom. I want to assist all my listeners and subscribers to learn the art of self-discovery. To take a step out of your daily life and step by step come on a journey with me to finding your passion.
I am going to share with you every week an interview with someone else who lives their life with full passion and purpose with efforts to discovering new tools, methods and techniques that we can all use in our own lives. We will be inspired and encouraged to begin truly living our life, realising that we can make change and make the life of our dreams.
I will also be sharing with you my weekly comment. This will be learning or inspirational thought to further help you along your journey.
From there, who knows where this may go? I feel there is so much I can assist with and so much more I can do and I will undoubtedly find ways to offer more value along the way.
Thanks again for tuning in and I hope you can stay for a while.
Peace, passion and purpose…………..
Mission: To help millions of people across the globe through the challenges of life and assist to inspire them to discover their passion and live their life with full purpose.
Vision: To learn from others techniques and tools used for self discovery and finding our passion in life to ensure we live life with absolute purpose and to share these learning’s with the world to assist in improving the quality of others lives.
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Leigh, I am impressed with your enthusiasm, passion and your project. I wish you every success in your venture. Your vision and mission are in themselves an inspiration. Your podcasts will definitely inspire others to at least start on their journey of discovering their passion/s.