David TS Wood speaker, trainer, humanitarian, living with truth and authenticity David shares a great deal of lessons, ideals and philosophies that assist all on our journey to living a kick-ass life.
David is a business leader, speaker & trainer, coach, humanitarian and father of two boys Calvin and Ben. He is a person of true and authentic character he is humble, fun, energetic, generous and really just down to earth. He has no barriers on being truthful and it is within this truth that you will find it easy to engage with him and comforting to be around. (continued below)
“It’s not the amounts of breaths we take but the amount of moments that take our breath away.”
What does living life with passion and purpose mean?
Purpose is feeling fulfilled in whatever it is that you are doing. If you feel full and it is a life you love you will have purpose.
Passion is hard to discover when you are not willing to move out of your comfort zone. But when you have passion you have it in everything you do, even the crappy stuff, and when you do it towards the things that light you up you do everything with greater ease.
Key Take Outs
· Travel & comfort zone. Travel is one great way to force yourself outside your comfort zone and this doesn’t mean travelling to a resort up the road or even a familiar resort in another country, that is for relaxing. Really getting among unfamiliar cultures, people and environments is life changing.
· Be the hardest worker in the room. When you are the one that jumps up first to wash the dishes at someone’s dinner party or the one that works the hardest at work your will become noticed. It is this philosophy that truly separates you from the herd and makes you more noticed in life. Always do your best and do more than expected.
· Show up 110%. This is integral to allowing other opportunities to show up in your life. If you are without great attitude it will be noticed by others and you will equally notice more pain and struggle in your day and in your life.
· Smile, show interest, be open, curious and treat people well. When you are beautiful towards the world and others they will be beautiful in return and great things will show up all the time!
· Invest in yourself more opportunities will show up. Investment in yourself is perhaps the best thing to helping you grow. This doesn’t mean invest externally but rather investing internally. Read, attend seminars, surround yourself by other successful people and have a fascination and curiosity for everything in life so you can continue to learn and grow. Success people never stop investing in themselves.
· Be present in the moment. If you are present in every moment and not worrying about the past or anxious towards the future you begin to show up in everything you do.
· Event + Story = Problem (E + S = P). We all have these stories it that some just choose not to create them or make them more than they are. Avoid the story and you can avoid the problem. Placing blame, avoiding responsibility, creating victim stories will stop any forward momentum in life.
· Self love and self worth. Be in tune to who your are and truthful to yourself. Love and respect yourself first and stop wearing masks to cover the authentic you and you will find life’s journey much easier to walk.
· Money Mindset. Not only with money but for everything we do in life we are all conditioned in someway to the extend of what we believe we can do and achieve. Putting a cap on your income is one example and it are these limiting beliefs that don’t allow us to continue forward, we need to break through them.
· Practice gratitude’s. Helpful for negative thoughts and to bring presence into your life. When you are feeling like you are getting no where or if things are getting down practicing daily gratitude’s can help bring some reality to how good life really is.
· Do what the successful do but choice your application. If you want to live a successful life the best strategy is to do what the successful do however there are always different strategies and application to do so. Choose those that work best with you.
Routines & Rituals
· Meditating in bed
· Practicing gratitude’s
· Exercising
· Spending time in the hot tub listening to audio
· Writing
What advice would you give to your 20-year-old self?
Just get out of here, get the hell out of there and go and discover yourself.
Enjoy it! Don’t try and get to where you’re going any faster. The journey there is what makes life the entire experience and is what makes you who you are. Have no regrets, enjoy it and have the courage to keep on going.
His interpretation of success
Being able to say yes to things without having to worry about the consequences. Success is freedom in life.
Quick round questions
Favourite Food
Whatever he is eating. The only two things he doesn’t eat are olives and blue cheese. When he goes to the restaurant he always likes the ask the waitress to choose so he can experience new things.
Favourite Leisure Activitiy
Being out on the boat and just being present and enjoying it.
Favourite book(s)
The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book)
by Don Miguel Ruiz
Think and Grow Rich
by Napoleon Hill
“It’s not the amounts of breaths we take but the amount of moments that take our breath away.”
“You can’t discover new oceans unless you have courage to loose sight of the shore.”
“Argue for your limitation and sure enough they’re yours.”
How to Find David and other Links
You can discover more about David TS Wood and everything he is doing by going to his website below.
Here is the podcast link for The Kick Ass Life, my first podcast and plenty of timeless teachings still readily available.
If you want to discover who David’s inspiration to dissolver his ‘why’ in life you can find out about T. Harv Eker below.
David mentions Janet Attwood and her passion test in the show with links below.
Summary (cont.)
What drives him in life is desire and passion towards people, culture and the unknown towards everything in his life. The story of his journey is an incredible one and the lessons of life and the experiences he had has lead him to the remarkable ability and drive to help others make a conscious shift in their own lives for the better.
He is the host of several podcasts that began with the Kick Ass Life Podcast and more recently the Crank It Up Podcast where he interviews great teachers of life and also shares training sessions to help spread his message and help others further. He is known as the trainer’s trainer and certainly has a great deal to share.
“Smile, show interest, be open, curious and treat people as they are beautiful and great things will show up all the time!”
David has been a mentor to myself and a catalyst for much great change in my life and certainly has helped push me into the life I currently lead and continues to teach me lessons to help live my life with greater passion and purpose. This is the reason I thought he would be an ideal guest on the show to assist all of my listeners to help them make change and have a choice to shift into a life more true to them.
We discuss many theories and philosophies that are instrumental in making conscious life change, taking control and responsibility for your life and making choice for how you continue to live your life. It is this choice that we all can make to really go on living a full and passionate life. We discuss how even some of the people with the most dramatic life experiences have been able to step away from their adversity to become major success.
When we become trapped in our story we create our own problems but it is those people that choose not to create stories around traumatic events that have occurred in their lives and consequently create less problems. Here is a cool formula for you to think about: event + story = problem. When we create this story we create our problems.
We jump in how he found his ‘why’ in life, how to lead and live a more truthful and authentic life without wearing masks in life. Discover our true beauty and becoming more appreciative of who we really are and living with absolute authenticity towards this.
We talk about human conditioning and how it affects all aspects of our lives including our money mindset. He tells a story about a baby elephant and how when they are trained or conditioned with a large chain that they cannot escape from after a while they stop the fight. The trainers than remove the chain replacing it only with a string, the elephants having been so conditioned don’t realize how easy it would be to escape. This is a great analogy of how we can become so conditioned in life.
“Tell the truth all the time with compassion.”
We discuss his obstacles and his greatest lessons and he admits he has had many but perhaps the hardest struggle was to come to grips with telling the truth and living more truthfully. When your fully transparent it is almost like you are see through. It is this honesty and approach to life that really allows your word and truth be heard where nothing his hidden and the power that comes from this is incredible. Don’t just tell the truth when it suits you, don’t wear a mask for each situation, be your authentic self 100% of the time.
David is authentic which is why I love him so much and I am sure you will see this truth throughout this interview. Please enjoy the show and leave any comments and questions below, I would certainly love to hear your thoughts.
His Moment of Realisation
David has most likely had several aha moments on his journey but it all began on his first trip when he decided to jump on a plane and visit Tunisia in Africa with a bunch of buddies. With a belief that life sometimes can happen by accident it was this step in life that got him out of England and away from perhaps a less desirable path that was a major catalyst for change in his life.
“Environment is stronger than willpower.”
Once his buddies left him he found himself alone and sacred which had him locked in his room for a week but with ignorance and slight pride not wanting to travel home with only one stamp on his passport he took courage to make the move to the next country.
10 and a half years and 46 countries later he arrived in Canada working as a chambermaid living on a roof top. Through his travel experience he was able to see the world differently and it he got him out of the habits that he was in. He was fortunate to have had this opportunity and when in Canada someone gave him a book ‘Think and Grow Rich’ which he read and started implementing many of those learning’s. (See show notes for links)
From growing up with a belief that he would end up dead on in goal, a belief that came from some teachers, to suddenly believing that he could earn money, that he could be rich was a major mindset shift. He knew there was hope in life and this found him transform his life from a $4 per hour as dishwasher to a multi-millionaire. Humble and blessed it is many of these strategies and techniques that he now shares with his audience to help them make that same shift in their own lives.
His second perhaps monumental discovery and an awakening was when he was struggling financially and his marriage was on the rocks and his wife suggested he attends a personal development seminar. He was probably in a better position than most but simply unhappy.
It was at this event with his wife watching T. Harv Eker that he deiced that that is what he wanted to pursue in life. Watching this master presenting on stage and helping many of others in their own lives became David’s passion in life also. This has been his life’s work for many of years and he continues to do so with a goal to train 10,000 trainers to help bring their gifts to the world in a real authentic way.
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