The Motivation Manifesto: 9 Declarations to Claim Your Personal Power by Brendon Burchard
“Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.” John F. Kennedy
If there were one book I would recommend you read to start off your year it would be this one. I ended the year reading it but could easily read it again.
The thought provoking content, the motivation, the inspirational energy and the burning desire it has sparked within are still hanging with me now.
If you are in a place of darkness or just stuck in some limiting form of life, which I understand for the majority, it is the case, then this book has the power to transform you and push you to taking action and control of your life and your destiny.
This is my top read of 2015. Simple and to the point, motivationally purposeful, thought provokingly insightful, ground breaking, powerful and transformational.
From the author of the Alchemist writes:
“The Motivation Manifesto is a poetic and powerful call to reclaim our lives and find our own personal freedom. It’s a triumphant work that transcends the title, lifting the reader from mere motivation into a soaringly purposeful and meaningful life. I love this book.” — Paulo Coelho
Brendon Burchard is a motivational speaker, lifestyle coach and performance trainer who has created a life for himself rich in abundance of freedom and purpose.
He describes the most powerful motive behind all humankind is freedom. Freedom comes in a variety of forms including time freedom, social freedom, relationship freedom, emotional freedom and spiritual freedom.
Freedom of ones voice, being and uniqueness and freedom to live with great liberties of choice are fundamental in living a life of greater significance leaving behind you a legacy that will live on to serve and one without regret or remorse.
The thought of freedom resonates with me so deeply and perhaps is a reason why this book touched me on so many different levels. I know I am not alone with this feeling and yearning, as freedom is something we all desire yet for many of us we have supressed or simply forgotten what it means.
I say bring it back, bring it out, ignite the possibilities and cultivate a free life true to you.
This is not another motivational hype or created piece of writing that misleads or guides you into a false sense of hope, I believe this is for real.
According to Brendon there are two enemies that stand between freedom and us and are described as the external and internal enemies, the constant battles that are ever raging.
The external can be defined as the social oppressions that are bought about by the need to fit in society and appease to the mediocre masses. The social conditioning of whom we are and how we are supposed to behave, blend and function.
The internal struggle is the continuing battle that we all have with ourselves, the space within our minds that cause self-oppression. Burchard describes this as self created and caused and aligns heavily with self-doubt and fear.
With a very philosophical approach he helps us create understanding and appreciation for these external and internal oppressions and all guides a s to overcoming them.
The book then dives into 9 declarations to help assist us all in claiming back our personal power and while doing so our right to live with a higher level of freedom.
I found myself in constant reflection as I read through this book and these 9 declarations he shares. At the end of it I am charged and motivated to continue on this path of creating freedom within my life.
Never give up the battles that you face to stop you from surging forward to living and leading a full and rich life with great freedom, passion and purpose.
“Once freed from the cage, an animal finds itself alone, unsure of what to do, separated from a life and things that it understands” Brendon Burchard.
Freedom can be paralysing at first but when you get a taste and master the skills to fight the battles and challenges that you will face its hard to suppress the desire for more.
If this book sounds of interest you can purchase The Motivation Manifesto
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Peace, passion and purpose…
Other books by Brendon Burchard
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