
  • Summary

    “I realised that I cannot do the same things over and over again, I’d get the same results.”


    Benny Hsu pronounced ‘Shoe’ is a passionate individual who always had a dream that he’d live a somewhat remarkable life. Not one for working the regular 8 to 10 hour days and certainly not wanting to be confined to a cubical Benny kept dreaming about doing something more with his life, one that he could design. In this episode we discuss just how he has made this happen.

    What I love about Benny’s story his is desire to find something that would work and his undeniable attitude which allowed him to keep exploring. After running an app company for a while he than went into shirt designs and it was in this business he found away to earn enough money to quit his job and really begin his entrepreneur life. He made $100,000 in the first five months in this business.

    He now has continued his blogging passion and also recently launched a podcast in efforts to inspire and assist other like minded individuals live a remarkable life.

    If you want to be remarkable and not average, if you want to live and work the way you want, if you are asking yourself,  “What excites me every day”,  if you rebel against what a typical life is suppose to be, if you want to open yourself to a new life that you deserve, than with Benny you’re in the right place.

    This is a great conversation and you will come to understand that Benny is just like us; he wants to live a life that he enjoys, one that allows him to do the things he enjoys and one, which he can be with his family that he loves.

    I hope you take something away from this chat; there are certainly some great value bombs shared in this episode, and until next time, peace, passion and purpose.


    “Be aware of what you feed your mind.”


    Key Take Outs

    ·      Take more risks. While your young and without restriction take some more risks and try as many things as you can. The more you do the more likely it is that you will find something that your passion about. When you have mortgages, family etc. it is still possible to take action to live your dream but it’s just not as easy. In saying that don’t let anything tie you down.

    ·      Type your manifesto. You may come to this point along your journey and sometimes just thinking about all the things you need to change is not enough.  Writing a manifesto about what you desire to achieve and what feeling you want to avoid and than placing it in front of you everyday to remind you what you must do will keep you focused on your purpose.

    ·      Its never too late to make a change. It doesn’t matter when you come to the point in your life were you realise things must change, it is never too late. People of all ages in life have gone on to do amazing things and age is no barrier.

    ·      Self Improvement. Try change yourself on the inside first and when you do you will be in a much great position to pursue your interests with energy and clarity.

    ·      Focus on value not money. When you set out with an intention of providing value money will come. If you set out chasing money you may just find yourself in a position that is not really true to yourself and not really a life that will fulfill you.

    ·      Be aware of what you feed your mind. Go on a media diet. Watch what you consume, be aware of who you surround yourself by and avoid gossiping. The positive information you feed your mind will propel you on your journey. You can check out his podcast on having a media diet using this link.

    What advice would you give to your 20-year-old self?

    Try more things, try different activities and take classes on a variety of things to find out what you really enjoy doing. You don’t have to follow the blueprint of life, do what you want to do.

    His interpretation of success

    Success means to be able to do what you want when you want. Having that control in your life.

    Quick round questions

    Favourite Food

    He likes Chinese food and in particular dumplings.

    Favourite Leisure Activitiy

    He loves to travel; we also discuss his travel hacking tips in this episode.

    Favourite book(s)

    The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

    Want to master your morning and master your day- check out these tittles.

    The 5 A.M. Miracle: Dominate Your Day Before Breakfast by Jeff Sanders

    The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM) by Hal Elrod

    A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose (Oprah’s Book Club, Selection 61) by Ekhart Tolle


    “Be thankful for what you have and you will end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have you will never have enough.

    What does living life with passion and purpose mean?

    It’s doing what excites you and what makes you happy. It makes the world a better place!

    How to find Benny and other links

    If you would like to check out Benny, connect with him, or jump on some of his online courses then go to his Website Get Busy Living here. You can also pick up a copy of his free eBook here.

    What to learn how to start your own shirt designing online business check out Benny’s course here.


    You can also follow him on Twitter, Facebook, or contact him via email.

    Have a listen to Benny’s podcast, he shares some really good life hacks and tips about how to live a life you want.

    Check out the Get Busy Living podcast here.



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