Abundance Now: Amplify Your Life & Achieve Prosperity Today by Lisa Nichols
“Abundance is when you are living a life that you love and loving the life that you are living.” Lisa Nichols
Is your cup half-full or half-empty? Abundance is a mindset and we have the power to live a life of abundance or conversely, live a life of scarcity.
As Lisa describes in this book abundance is not something available for purchase but rather something we tap into, develop, cultivate and grow.
This means we can all live rich and abundant lives but what does that really mean.
Lisa’s definition of abundance is when you are living a life that you love and loving the life that you are living.
Abundance is having a large quantity of something, anything. In regards to abundance in the context of life it relates to your prosperity, hence the subtitle of Lisa’s book.
Being prosperous is and often confusingly associated only with having great success in terms of material and financial possessions. This has the potency to cloud ones intention, ability to envision greatness in their own life, and the tendency to bring a about a stronger mindset towards a life of scarcity.
Abundance does not mean greed and is not savoured only for the super rich or successful but is available for us all. Lisa Nichols is her own testament to this.
Having come from being a single mother dependant on public assistant and going from one job to the next, always just scrapping to get by, to now, a life where she is ultimately grateful and rich with abundance in all aspects of life.
She shares her story and not as a cry for victim hood but rather an inspiration to how we can all transform our lives and create one that is abundant and truly deserved.
In her personal journey she had to defeat the negative chatter within her mind, the limiting and self-defeating scarcity mindset, the associated behaviours, actions and habits that where holding her back from all her greatness and success, and resolve to make change happen.
She now lives a life of her dreams.
For wherever you are right now to wherever it is you want to go you can make it happen. You must have the willingness and desire to create change, the courage and determination to take action, and the ability to transform your mindset to create greater self-belief and abundance now.
Abundance doesn’t have to be only when you reach a certain point. We all have and can have more abundance in every aspect of our lives right now, today! It’s a choice and the responsibility is our own.
The book focuses on four key areas that Lisa believes you need to work to refine in order to create a truly abundant life. Those are enrichment, enchantment, engagement, and endowment.
The journey throughout the book is logical and easy enough to grasp with constant effort to build and transform your mindset to one that is more conscious of abundance.
There are numerous lessons and action plans for you to work with plus real life stories from Lisa and numerous other case studies for greater comprehension.
In summary I think this book is definitely beneficial to anyone that struggles with the abundant mindset thing. If you’ve got some conditioned scarcity built in, or a negative or pessimistic outlook towards life than this book will certainly be a refreshing read and tool to help you transform that.
If you are already living in an abundant world and simply want to build on it then you too will enjoy reading this book.
I believe we all have abundance in our lives but often we just cannot see it or just don’t notice it exists. I feel that by connecting and being grateful for all that currently have, creating a positive outlook of your future and a deeper self respect and belief in what could be you will each and every day attract more abundance into your life.
I believe abundance is having a life rich with all that you desire including the ability to desire all that you wish.
Love to have your thoughts on abundance so please leave them below and remember that for everything that you want in life, you already have an abundant of uniqueness and talent within you to create it.
If this book sounds of interest you can purchase Abundance Now: Amplify Your Life & Achieve Prosperity Today
Please leave your thoughts, comments & questions below.
Peace, passion and purpose…
Other books by Lisa Nichols
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