“The only advantage you can have these days is truth and you can only have truth from experience.”
Joel Brown is the founder and CEO or addicted to success that is the number one inspiration website for all those self-improvement junkies out there. His website that started out as his own personal blog to share his own self-improvement stories and messages quickly gained massive traction and now 4 years along has had more than 62 million viewers visit the site.
In this episode Joel shares this story of how it all began and the journey along the way. He is a passionate man and feels he never had may limiting beliefs holding him back but rather a knowledge that he could do whatever was required. He also attributes much of his success to take quick action and also being consistent, focusing on community and providing value.
In this show we chat about what it takes to become successful in what you set out to achieve while following your passion. We touch on points such as being able to visualize your future, being able to reverse engineer your life from that and how to overcome those self doubts and fears that may stop you progressing.
I really enjoyed this conversation with Joel and just love his story. He represents so much truth and I really feel his connection with his truth has come about by the continually being surrounded by all the positive information he consumes and produces.
I hope you enjoy this interview and all its gold. Until next we speak, peace, passion and purpose.
“People overestimate what they can do in a year but underestimate what they can do in a decade.”
Key Take Outs
· Visualisation. Immerse yourself in the idea that what you visualize is possible and real. When you really can see the possibility and visualise what it is to a point it becomes so real, you have a very powerful belief. From this belief you can become almost unstoppable.
· Reverse engineer. Look at your future vision in 5 or 10 years, where do you vision yourself to be? From her reverse engineer your life and than as best you can put piece by piece together and your vision will gradually come true.
· Take fast action. Its great to have ideas and think about all that you could achieve but the most successful take action and do so quickly. Don’t delay and hold back. Waiting for perfection, the right time, money or whatever it is may never happen, so just start shipping.
· Be open to feed back. Don’t take feedback personally, this will damage you and stop your progress. Instead reflect and take the feedback on board. Feedback is designed to improve you therefore take out the good and leave the rest behind.
· Move beyond your comfort zone. We’ve heard it before but if you want to transform your life you must understand that all the magic in life happens outside your comfort zone.
· Questions. Questions bring thought and the right thought brings change. Positive change will develop and grow your beliefs and when you beliefs are strong enough, what you can achieve is endless.
· Consistency is key. Following your passion may not be a walk in the park if anything is can be monotonous and mundane. A key to success and gaining momentum is however being consistent. If for example you are starting a podcast make sure you release material as promised, this is a great way to build trust.
· Community. Create community around what you do. People love to be a part of something. Social media is just one great way to create a strong community but if your service, product or message is not so much online you can equally create community outside the digital world.
· Value & quality. If you can provide value and quality in whatever you do there will be people out there that will follow you. Whatever you do put your heart into it, put your all into it and make it epic.
· Exercise and read. These two habits alone will transform your life. Exercise gets the blood flowing, stimulates the mind, creates positive energy and health, and will allow you to be calm, collected and clear. Reading is knowledge and learning. The more you know and understand the wiser you become the more you learn the greater you become.
What advice would you give to your 20-year-old self?
Don’t drink so much.
His interpretation of success
Having the capacity to learn as much as humanly possible and then share the knowledge with others to benefit the world.
Quick round questions
Favourite Food
Italian food, in Italy.
Favourite Leisure Activitiy
Playing basketball and listening to music.
Favourite book(s)
The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level
by PhD Gay Hendricks
Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion
by Gary Vaynerchuk
Tony Robbins Books- audio versions are best
“If you doubted your fears instead of doubting your dreams, imagine how much in life you would accomplish.” Joel Brown
What does living life with passion and purpose mean?
It’s about following your heart and sharing what comes from your heart with others. How can you give value without expecting anything back in return.
How to find Joel and other links
You can reach Joel by visiting the Addicted2Success website and be empowered by all the great lessons and teachings shared there within.
Joel also discusses his youtube video on the 7 million dollar habits which you can watch using the link below.
Check out his podcast, Addicted2Success, also where he interviews very inspiring people.
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