
  • 124: Faydra Koenig | Best-Selling Author & America’s Crisis Coach on How to Come Out of the Fire


    “You are a fish out of water.”


    Amazon Best-Selling Author, Podcaster, lover of iced tea and snarky banter, Faydra is determined that no one facing a crisis feel alone. Known in pop culture as America’s Crisis Coach™ Faydra interviews high-achievers who have faced unimaginable obstacles and come out on top. Her bold approach to crisis management is out of the box and is changing lives.

    In this episode we talk about how to get out of the fire and overcome crisis. Faydra shares her expertise and some positive light on how we can deal and manage with these challenges we face so that we can go on living a kick ass life.

    Discussing the beauty and importance of expressing your self, how to deal with fear and conformity, the value of communities, the grief and loss cycle, the concept of grace and validation and also how to manage forgiveness. So much gold in this show.

    I really hope you enjoy this chat and would like to ask you to please leave your thoughts. Until next time, get out of the crisis and into a life you love. Peace, passion and purpose.

    Key Take Outs

    Express Yourself. It is important that you come out of the shadows and rise-up to the opportunity of expressing whom you truly are. This is our gift and don’t let conformity or fear hold you back. When you can express all that you truly are this is when you discover your deeper purpose and are better able to offer great value back to the rest of the world.


    Know the oppressors and how to overcome them. The oppressors in life are fear, self-doubt and conformity. They are no more real than what you allow them to be. When you stop conforming, when you realise fear is actually not so hard to stand up against, it is then that you will really begin to shine.

    The power of community. Find like-minded people, people on similar paths that share similar beliefs, values and thoughts and your progress forward will be greater. Community encourage not restrain. They amplify you and allow you to breathe, not holding you down or suffocate your realness. If your current community is not conducive to where you want to go then change it. If you don’t have one, find one.

    The Grief and Loss Cycle. Shock and disbelief, bargaining, pissed off, depression, and acceptance. Just by having awareness that this is the cycle you are likely to experience in trauma, you will have better ability to deal with it and navigate yourself through each step. You most likely can relate your experiences to this cycle.

    Grace. This is your permission to allow yourself to really feel the emotions of any situation. It is sometimes hard to allow this and often we look for alternatives to help mask the emotions we experience such as drugs or violence. Find positive ways to release these emotions and that will lead you to greater acceptance of the situation so you can move forward.

    Validation. This is the process of allowing you to be heard by others. This may include people close to you or people that have experience in similar situations. When you feel you are heard it will help you move forward.

    Forgiveness is a great practice.No matter how small or large the situation and indeed the reason for forgiveness, this practice will allow you to free yourself from the weight and move forward in life. See it through the other persons eyes, and right or wrong, the benefits are all for you.

    Do what you love. You want to know what life is all about? It’s about doing what you truly love to do. Set your rules and make it happen, stop accepting your life as an external force or control and starting forcing and controlling your life as you love.

    What advice would you give to your 20-year-old self?

    Learn and read everything you can about your inner self. She would also tell all the women out there that being a size 10 is awesome. Her final piece of advice is to stop comparing yourself to those people around you. You are a fish out of water.

    Her interpretation of success

    Success is never permanent and always changing and is based on accomplishing what you want to achieve.

    Quick round questions

    Favourite Food


    Favourite Leisure Activitiy

    Road Trips

    Favourite book(s)

    God of the Underdogs:  by Matt Keller



    “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi


    What does living life with passion and purpose mean?

    Being unafraid of risk, not being risk aversive and to be willing to just try. Gather the feedback and don’t be afraid to fail forward.

    How to find Faydra and other links

    You can find out more about Faydra at Doing Life With Faydra and you can find her books at FaydraOnAmazon.com. Catch her podcast, Coming Out Of The Fire, on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.

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