The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schawrtz
“Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to solution.” David J. Schawrtz
Well if you have read any of my other stuff you will know that I am a big thinker and even bigger dreamer. I think all the time and thus why I find it easy to sit and write.
Thinking compared to thinking big differs in that it is more a focus on the way you think. After reading this book I feel the author would hope that you will gain ideas, principles and tools for training your thoughts to help you lead a more successful life.
You are what you think; believe you can succeed and you will.
Without repeating what this book shares I do believe that we all can condition ourselves and teach ourselves how to think bigger and better.
Our thoughts are heavily influenced by our surrounding environments and the people we hang with. If you perfect your environment and the people you associate with you will find your thoughts and life will be enhanced.
We all have the power to do this and no one is less or more privileged than another to control how big you can think. Actually, I would suggest that some people from the hardest of upbringings have adopted these principles in their lives to go on and triumph.
David Schwartz is an expert in motivation and this book is certainly on of those books to stimulate some motivation within you.
Thinking big is possible for anyone the hardest part is to take action, which no matter how big you think, it is still an essential part in any of our lives to greater success.
At the end of each chapter the Author suggest action points that we can implement to assist us with the process of thinking big.
At the end of the book David shares 6 points on how to use this book and the magic of thinking big to life’s most crucial situations, which I thought I could elaborate on.
Here are the 6 points.
When little people try to drive you down, Think Big.
Don’t let others woes and troubles try and spike your balloon when it comes to thinking big. People that are negative or struggle in life or with their own success will always try and break others peoples highs.
When we are all at the same level there is no competition, we are comfortable. Again find those people that pick you up and elate you and avoid hanging with those that discourage or try sabotage you. This includes all that stuff we consume, T.V. radio, books, magazines etc.
When that ‘I haven’t got what it takes” feeling creeps up on you, Think Big.
This is a self-killer. We choose to let these thoughts creep in and we can train ourselves to dispel it just as quick. The idea is to get to a point where this thought never creeps in. I think it relates to fear and the best remedy for fear is action.
When an argument or quarrel seems inevitable, Think Big.
This is to me thinking outside the square. Rather than taking on that argument or debate, which can be sometimes fun, try looking at ways to create a win-win situation for all parties.
This requires the ability let down some guards, accept the others point of view and get your creative thought going to come up with brilliant solutions. Arguments are usually just a misunderstanding of one another and can be easily overcome.
When you feel defeated, Think Big.
The feeling of being defeated is uncomfortable in that it really drains us of all our self-belief. Let this feeling settle in and it can lead us down paths of great depression. You just have to keep going. Keep trying. Find new ways to tackle that which defeats you.
When you are doing that epic ocean swim and the end seems no closer near, think big, take each stroke like its one of pure mastery. Sometimes is easier to focus on each little step than the end goal, its a little bit of mind trickery.
When romance start to slip, Think Big.
When romance slips I think you simply need to shake it up. Mostly, myself included, we ignore romantic struggles and even put up resistance and create behaviours to accept the slip.
We often also choose not to accept responsibility.
The remedies I feel are communication as a start point and once you discover why the romance is slipping get creative with solutions to spice it up.
Romance is always hottest at the start but becomes less stimulating as we become comfortable. A great lesson is to keep things fresh and new, this will continually stimulate you in your romantic escapades. This is also true for life in all aspects.
When you feel your progress on the job is slowing down, Think Big.
This is grand! I am so on this path and have recent experiences where rather than giving up and doubting myself, I just think big. I think of what more I can do to really produce greater results.
I look at ways I can change and adapt to keep the process and job exciting. I look to make radical change. Change that sometime scares me and appears on the surface to come with more risk yet when I take actionable steps I notice that I am only more motivated to succeed than before. This is a true winner for me.
So start thinking big! Think big in life and the universe will treat you accordingly.
If this sounds of interest you can purchase The Magic of Thinking Big
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Peace, passion and purpose…
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