“Does this feed my confusion or strengthen my clarity?”
Heather Ann Havenwood, CEO of Havenwood Worldwide, LLC and Chief Sexy Boss, is a serial entrepreneur and is regarded as a top authority on internet marketing, business strategies and marketing. Since marketing her first online business in 1999, bringing together clients and personal coaches, she has played an active role in the online marketing world since before most even had a home computer.
In 2006 she started, developed and grew an online information marketing publishing company from ground zero to over $1 million in sales in less than 12 months.
Heather is multi-faceted, and in this episode we discuss routines and rituals, how to build confidence, attraction for men and women and an array of thoughts on how to empower yourself.
I hope you enjoy our chat and get a few gold nuggets to take away for your own benefit. Until next time, peace, passion and purpose.
Key Take Outs
- Morning Rituals. The power of starting your day out with solid and consistent habits adds great power to your day and your success. It doesn’t matter what time you wake but what you do when you wake that truly matters.
Habits and routines include, deep breathing, drinking a good amount of water, exercise, meditation, good nutrition, and positive information in.
Do what works for you. There is an over abundance of information out there that can often confuse us as to what are the right thoughts and actions and what are the wrong. There really is no right and wrong, it largely depends on what works for you.
Don’t kid yourself with excuses in attempt to avoid greater behaviours and equally don’t continue habits or start new ones that don’t work. Try it all and then you decide. Everyone has different personalities and life styles and not one thing will work for everyone. Read between the lines and find the common ground.
- Empower Yourself. How do you empower yourself? I believe its through actions that will give you this feeling. Throwing yourself in the deep end and attempting the impossible will be sure to empower you. It is through action that you create stronger beliefs and when you and others have greater belief in you – you will feel empowered.
- Get a coach. To excel in your success, it is so often advised to hire a coach. Coaches should have experience that can be used to guide you in hope of avoiding costly or timely mistakes- allowing you to complete your goals at a faster rate.
- Gain Clarity. If you can build strong clarity you will improve in all facets of your life. Clarity is key. Clarity is found in greater health. Clarity is found in reduced clutter. Find clarity and you will grow your confidence, become clearer with your vision and achievement towards your goals, you will empower yourself in the doing, and you will with a larger levels of happiness and abundance.
What advice would you give to your 20-year-old self?
You have to work for what you get- there are no freebees. Go after what you want and know who you are.
Her interpretation of success
Family, health and being able to add value.
Best advice on Personal Transformation.
Quick round questions
Favourite Food
Favourite Leisure Activitiy
Walking with her dog.
Favourite book(s)
The Game of Life and How to Play It (Prosperity Classic)
by Florence Schul
Think and Grow Rich
by Napoleon Hill
Sexy Boss – How Female Entrepreneurs Are Changing the Rule Book for Money, Success and Even Sex, and How You Can Too!
by Heather Havenwood
“Does this feed my confusion or strengthen my clarity.”
What does living life with passion and purpose mean?
Living the life that I created.
How to find Heather and other links
You can visit Heather at either of her sites. Her personal website – Heather Havenwood here. And Sexy Boss here.
She also mentions Dating Triggers website in this episode that you can check out here if interested.
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