Stacy Tuschl is an entrepreneur, author, speaker, and business coach. In her book, “Is Your Business Worth Saving?”, she reveals proven strategies for pulling entrepreneurs out of a rut and launching them toward business success.
You can check out her top rated podcast on iTunes, Business Rescue Road Map, where she inter- views leading industry experts, and shares her real life experiences to help you save your business and rescue your life.
In this entrepreneurial episode we discuss how to reach a satisfactory work/life balance, how to tame your to-do list, harmful habits you need to clear, why outsourcing is a key to success and much much more. We even discuss some tips on how to successfully use Periscope to connect with your audience.
I hope you enjoy this show and look forward to hearing from you soon. Peace, passion and purpose.
Key Take Outs
- Follow your passion. Do what you love and what you do will love you. Your passion will keep you happy and you are likely to excel at it above others things that you may attempt. Why? When you enjoy it you learn it better, you do it better and therefore the value you can offer from doing it will be greater.
- Work/life balance- You make it! As Stacy mentions in this interview its up to you to create the balance you desire in life. You can hustle, you can remain stressed or you can work to improve and have the lifestyle you desire.
- Peak performer vs workaholic. Work smarter not harder. This is not an unfamiliar concept. Often we have been told if we work harder we will have more success- nowadays this is time and time again being disproven. Find the success principles in your life.
- Compromise. There is need for compromise in life- you can not always have your cake and eat it too. You may like the idea of loads of cash but at what cost. The balance you require is what fits with your values. Sometimes we need to sacrifice one to have another or at least reduce one to have more of the other.
- Remove Distractions. Distractions are the enemy of productivity. Aim to remove these not only from your physical environment but also your online environment. This will immediately boost your productivity without doing anything new- just removing distractions.
What advice would you give to your 20-year-old self?
Find ways to step outside your comfort zone more often. Do something different everyday.
Stacy’s interpretation of success
To be able to do what I want when I want.
Quick round questions
Favourite Food
Fried foods.
Favourite Leisure Activitiy
Going outside.
Favourite book(s)
The Compound Effect
by Darren Hardy
“You can do anything but you can’t do everything.” Michael Hyatt
What does living life with passion and purpose mean?
Passion and purpose is the meaning of her life. Being present in whatever I’m doing and giving it 100 percent.
How to find Stacy and other links
You can visit Stacy and all her glory at her personal website here.
She mentions a variety of other apps and tools in this show.
For outsourcing try Global Office Assistants. Affordable ways to outsource more of your tasks to free up your time to focus on those larger goals.
For project collaboration she uses Asana.
She uses OneTab to help remove distrations and reduce her desktop tabs that are open. If also helps speed up her computer. Here is the link.
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