“True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears but to rest satisfied with what we have, which is sufficient, for he that is so wants nothing. The greatest blessings of mankind are within us and within our reach. A wise man is content with his lot, whatever it may be, without wishing for what he has not.” Seneca
Philosophy has the power to change our lives. Past leaders of philosophy share so much timeless wisdom that can help shift our perspectives on life and all that exists within and in doing so change the way we interact with it. This series are letters from Seneca, a great Stoic philosopher, bought to you by Tim Ferriss and narrated by John A. Robinson.
This audio book is hours of GOLD for the ears and mind. Containing 70 letters of wisdom that will make you think and reflect on life. It actually has a tendency to help you ask the bigger questions of life, “Whats it all for?” and “What does it all mean?”
I have been blown away! It has taken me a while to get through them all, however taking Tim’s advice, I listened to one or two letters a day. Because each letter is packed loads of thought provoking content that then needs unpacking in one’s own mind, this is sound advice. You can not simply listen and move on with ease, you must pause and then listen, connect and become aware of the shifting thoughts these letters create.
How is this possible? I ask myself the same question. How can one man’s views on life have such an impact. How can words have such power to shift and enhance one’s life? This is what I can make of it, these thoughts leave you questioning life in all aspects.
When we start to ask this questions they open our minds to new perspectives. They allow us to reflect and gain deeper appreciation for not only our existence but all that is around us. They improve not only our knowledge but also our wisdom. Wisdom is really knowledge coupled with experience that allows for better judgement. It may be then said that quality of judgement has the effect to change the quality of our lives.
How can words or philosophy change our experience? I believe by reading philosophy we will increase our knowledge however it is more that when we open our minds to new ideas, thoughts and perspectives we tend to open our lives to new opportunities – bringing with it new experience. Through these experiences, we gain more knowledge and somewhat miraculously making us more wise.
In these acts do we become more aware. When we are more aware we tend to respond differently. If we respond to life, external stimulus, and even our own minds and inner self with greater attitudes we will then create greater outcomes for everything we attend to in life.
If I could have only one recommendation for people looking to discover more meaning in life it would be to grab this audio book and start listening. Truly powerful stuff. Enjoy!
If this book sounds of interest you can purchase The Tao of Seneca: Practical Letters from a Stoic Master, Volume 1
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Peace, passion and purpose…
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