See You At The Top: 25th Anniversary Edition
by Zig Ziglar
“It is your attitude, not aptitude, that will determine your altitude.” Zig Ziglar.
This is one of Zig’s greatest seminars that has been captured live and now presented as an audio master piece. If you are looking to shake up your life and gain some traction for success this is a great place to start. Zig shares so much gold it is sometimes hard to keep up. I can tell you one thing, you will finish this audio feeling like you can accomplish anything in life.
A master of story telling, Zig communicates his messages with great simplicity and clarity always using humour to motivate and inspire us to achieve greatness. This guy is the king of story telling and with each story there is a powerful message that will assist us all in getting to the top.
All the coaches, motivational speakers, and thought leaders out there today have been in some way inspired to do what they do and how they do it by Zig. He is what some might say the father of the self-improvement industry. This audio presents more secrets to getting you to the top – the other one I have enjoyed from Zig’s collection is Master Your Goals.
In this audio there are many great take-outs. Two that I think are very powerful that Zig talks with great enthusiasm on is the power of attitude and taking care of your health.
Attitude is a powerful determiner of our success. In my life several years ago I showed up everyday with a sour attitude. I placed all blame externally for this. My attitude caused me to be fired from my job – this was a blessing in disguise. However, I realise now that all the suffering I was experience in life then was mostly to do with my poor attitude.
Then I discovered personal development and the first thing I fixed was my attitude. The attitude we choose is our own responsibly. When I chose how I showed up each day, when my attitude was more positive, not negative, my world change. Seriously!
The way I related to others improved. I was more enthusiast and positive and people started to notice the change and even make comments. My attitude not only changed how I felt about life but things started to happen. I started to meet new people and more opportunities came my way. If you want to change your level of happiness in life – change your attitude.
The other thing he talks deeply about is the need for taking care of our health both mentally and physically. I talk about this in my book “Four Pillars of Success” – you can get here. If we don’t look after the body and mind we have been given it wont be able to look after the success in life that we desire.
If my mind and body isn’t in good condition, my consciousness, clarity and perception will be weakened. My emotional state will be less capable, also. This being the case I will be less able to take the action required to achieve the lifestyle I desire. My health is by no means a perfect example of what a healthy body and mind should be but being aware allows me to continually strive to improve in this are of my life.
The thoughts presented by Zig are timeless. Actually many of his thoughts to me now seem so common sense they no longer bring me great surprise. They are always welcome however as great positive reinforcement and reminder to continually implement and practice them. If you can take on some of these principles and adapt them to your life things will start to change.
If this book sounds of interest you can purchase See You At The Top: 25th Anniversary Edition
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Peace, passion and purpose…
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