Jerome is the Chief Epic Officer of The Epic Advantage, a global leadership development company that helps top tier professionals lead high performing people, teams and organizations.
His expertise is in Leadership Development, Performance, and Motivation. I am committed to helping people Unleash Greatness, Accelerate Opportunity, and Maximize Performance. The Epic Advantage provides solutions to the #1 challenge in business and organizational leadership as well as personal and professional performance.
He is a Keynote Speaker, Corporate Trainer, Executive Coach and adventurist. In this episode we discuss the importance of self-leadership, three powerful questions to helping you live and lead a more epic life, plus more GOLD to help you take the flying leap to living a life that you truly desire.
Enjoy this one and if you love it share it with your network and until next time, peace, passion & purpose.
Key Take Outs
- How to live and epic life: 3 powerful questions. These may sound like simple questions and they are, but there is complexity in the assessment as it relates to your life. Take time and answer these questions with honesty and purpose.
What do you want?
How bad do you want it?
How will you get it?
- Give yourself permission. When you ask yourself what you want in life its ok to dream and dare to dream. Most people feel that the life they have is all that there is but in reality the life you have is unlikely the life you should be living or the life you truly desire. Start to dream and vision the future you desire and then let that fire ignite with momentum.
- Bold Action. Average action will leave you with average results. If you want more than the average, you need to start taking BOLD action. This means to do more than what others are doing, push the limits, face your greatest fears and grow. With perseverance and patience you will be able to create and live the life you dream.
- Find the mentors. Look for those that have success and walked a similar path to the one you desire to take and then connect with them. Find their content and reach out to them and ask questions. This will excel your success at a more rapid rate.
- Set up your business around the life-style you desire. Decide how you want to live your life and design your business around it. Learn the value you can offer and develop a sales funnel offering potential clients different entry points to the value you can offer. And believe me – you can offer value, everyone can.
- Don’t work per hour, work for outcome. I loved this message. The hourly rate is capped and perceived poorly by those that are unaware. The value you offer and the outcome it creates for someone is what they pay for. Offer epic value and get paid accordingly – don’t work per hour.
- Self-leadership. To get up, get going, get on it. It is not up to anyone else to make you motivated to take action towards the life you want to create, its up to you. You have to be your own leader and just take the action, be committed, and do what it takes. In action you find momentum – the first step is to simply act.
Do you have any routines and rituals that you believe contribute to your success?
Take care of yourself.
What advice would you give to your 20-year-old self?
Take risk and know that you have what it takes to do whatever it is you dream.
Jerome’s interpretation of success
I want to live and epic life and help as many people as possible do the same thing.
What is your number one productivity advice?
Act. Taking action activates your motivation and makes things happen.
Quick round questions
Favourite Food
Favourite Leisure Activitiy
Sailing big boats.
Favourite book(s)
Spartan Up!: A Take-No-Prisoners Guide to Overcoming Obstacles and Achieving Peak Performance in Life
by Joe De Sena
“Out of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be, For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance, I have not winced nor cried aloud.Under the bludgeonings of chance, My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears, Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years, Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.”
What does living life with passion and purpose mean?
Living it fully, to its full potential.
How to find Jerome and other links
To find out more about Jerome you can visit either The Epic Advantage here or his personal website here.
If you are interested in finding more freedom, fulfilment and happiness in your life take the opportunity to jump on the Discovery Call. Valued at $250, this is a one on one coaching session to help you define your hidden why and discover the action steps to getting your there.
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