
  • Leigh Martinuzzi|If You Could Not Fail What Would You Be Doing In Life?

    We all put off following our dreams- fear of failure is a big reason for this. But if you could not fail what would you be doing in life?

    I say dream big and keep your dreams alive. Don’t let yourself or anyone else tell you that your dreams are unrealistic or impossible to reach, including yourself. The dreams I have are epic.

    The truth is that as we grow into our adult hood and fall into the rat wheel of life, chasing our tails just to keep our head above water yet inevitably just going around in circles, our dreams fade. We mustn’t let go of them.

    Dreams keep us alive. The key reason, purpose and energy behind everything we do. If you have no dreams, you just do without great consciousness of why your doing. Your alive but may not be actually living. A dream puts air in your wheels.

    Conformity, fitting in with the status quo, self-doubt and the fear of failure are killers. Again, if you could not fail what would stop you from living towards your dreams then? What is one small thing you could do today that would take you that little closer to making these dreams a reality. Even though your dreams seem way out of reach now, what is one thing you can do.

    Tony Robbins says there is no failure only learnings. So, its not fail or win, it’s learn or win. In my opinion a learning is a win.

    It is so easy to let those dreams go as we get consumed by society and how we are meant to live life. It so easy to become distracted and lose the focus. The truth is that doing what everyone else does is easy and venturing into the unkown is hard, it’s uncomfortable. This is why most people retreat from perusing their dreams, it becomes to tough, and scared by failure we conform and slide back into average.

    Average is fine if you are happy there but many studies would suggest this is not the case. If it were easy to make dreams flourish and come alive – we would all be living our dreams but we aren’t.

    The message is that we must hold on to our dreams, we must keep them alive. We must allow the fear of failure stop us from the drive forward. Keep dreaming, keep moving towards them and enjoy the ride.

    If you are interested in finding more freedom, fulfilment and happiness in your life take the opportunity to jump on the Discovery Call. Valued at $250, this is a one on one coaching session to help you define your hidden why and discover the action steps to getting your there. 

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