
  • Kris Reid | How to Publish Quality Content and Master SEO with the Coolest Guy in SEO!


    Kris Reid is a Software Engineer, SEO master and Entrepreneur. A few years ago while backpacking the globe, Kris decided to build an online game.  As the completion day came near, he thought it would be a good idea to learn how to market it – if anyone else is ever going to play it. So, he started studying how Google works and learned about Search Engine Optimisation.

    He quickly discovered how important backlinks are – not just any backlinks, but quality backlinks with relevant and compelling content on powerful industry-specific websites.

    Then, he set out to build the perfect service to provide just that – high-quality backlinks with compelling content on industry-specific websites. Fast forward a few years later, he now has a permanent office in the Philippines and a successful company called Ardor Media Factory.

    In this episode we discuss Kris’s entrepreneurial journey and what SEO really means – plus I try pick his brains for some tips and tricks. Enjoy this one – peace, passion & purpose.

    Key Take Outs

    • Morning Rituals. A great way to start the day is to rise with the sun and practice some kind of exercise and meditation. Exercise brings blood flow to the body and brain to get you started and meditation helps steady the mind for all that life may bring you. A solid morning practice/routine will truly allow you to win each and every day.
    • Focus. As and entrepreneur, creative type or anyone for that matter it’s often very hard to stay focused in a world that is so demanding. I struggle with this. Focus is key to achievement and fulfilment. If you can stay focused on one thing until complete you will better allow yourself to move onto the next task. Too many things going on at once and you will find yourself no closer to your goals in life.
    • Find a way. If you hit a wall for whatever challenge you face rather than give up, turn around and walk away, find a way forward. The obstacle that you face is often the path forward. Thanking you Ryan Holiday –  The Obstacle Is the Way. Its true that when you find the solution to the problem that is when you have the greatest learnings and the most growth. Find a way to make it happen.
    • Make your to-do list. Have a plan. Some people use to-do lists others have a solid plan in their head. Do whatever work for you as long as you do it. Working without a plan is a sure plan to failure. It would be like walking blindfolded. A clear to-do list with a focus on the most important things will raise your chance of completion and therefore satisfaction once done.
    • The internet is like brick & mortar. This is a good way to think about your online business. Treating it as if it were a brick and mortar store. Essential that’s what they are. If that is the case what would you like your store to look and feel like? How would you want your customers to act and be treated once they enter your store? How long will they stick around for and what is the ultimate outcome?

    Do you have any routines and rituals that you believe contribute to your success?

    He has a morning ritual that includes starting the day with Yoga followed by a good coffee and planning his day.

    What advice would you give to your 20-year-old self?

    Be more patient.

    Kris’s interpretation of success


    What is your number one productivity advice?

    Make a to-do list everyday.

    Quick round questions

    Favourite Food

    Tarantula’s & Ballut

    Favourite Leisure Activitiy


    Favourite book(s)

    How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie


    “Done is better than perfect.”


    What does living life with passion and purpose mean?

    Find our what you love doing and making sure that’s what your doing.

    How to find Kris and other links

    You can find out more about Kris, reach out to him, and check out his SEO services by visiting his website, Ardor, here.

    You can also email Kris here or find him on twitter @coolestguyinseo

    Kris has a competition running exclusively for THY listeners. By entering you can win a comprehensive website audit valued at $2000. To enter your name, click the link here.

    Kris mentions a online tool called ScreamingFrog that allows you to for broken backlinks.

    If you are interested in finding out how your pages rank you may also use this little tip. Type ‘site:’ followed by your domain name to see what comes up.

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