A More Beautiful Question: The Power of Inquiry to Spark Breakthrough Ideas
By Warren Berger
A freaking inspiring read. As the tittle suggest this book has the power of inquiry to spark breakthrough ideas. I read it a halfway through and had ideas pouring out of my head. Too many in fact that I had to rest from the book. Questions are powerful and they have the power not only to generate great or greater business ideas and innovation but also the power to awaken your to life.
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The Hidden Why has been created to inspire people to ask those bigger quesitons. What is your why? What is your purpose? This is the question that got the ball rolling for me to start living the life that I desire, not the life that I thought I had to live. Warren has dedicated an entire chapter to asking questions about life. Thoughts that will inspire you to start challenging your beliefs on how life is meant to be lived. Thoughts that will give you permission to dream in greater possibilities.
The book appropriately starts with why the power of inquiry can have such a profound impact in our lives. He also discuses why we stop questioning things. Why does questioning fall off a cliff? These two chapters alone are packed with powerful questions that generate so much thought allowing you to reflect inwardly on your own life. Inquiry that will spark interest for you to continue to read.
From a young age we are discouraged from asking questions not because parents or adults believe that questions are evil but because answers are not always easy. We find it difficult to give insightful answers stopping any further inquiry. Instead we should stimulate thought and response though counter and open ended questions in return.
From our school years to our adult years we generally begin to just accept things as they are. Why does the toaster need to cook as it does, is there a more efficient way? What if you could make toast without the need for a dusty device taking up room on the bench?
In chapter 3 Warren introduces the why, what if and how of innovative questioning. Start with the why, what is the problem, what is the idea and then ask questions around possible ‘what if’ solutions. Powerful stuff.
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On top of the chapter dedicated to questions around life Warren has also included a chapter around questioning in business. This book uses real world examples of companies and people that have used questions to powerfully enhance their results. Warren has great input from the experts in the field to further support the basis that questions are a powerful way to spark ideas that will lead to greater results.
If you are stagnant in life or business or if the results don’t seem to be happening as you thought or wished they would start asking questions. Flip things upside down and on their head. Twist your perspective on things using such why, what if and how questions. This book has an entire index of questions at the end that alone I think will spark creative thought. Even if its not relative to what you are trying to achieve right now, thought creates thought and infects thought in other, more important, areas of life, too.
Be open to the idea of using questions to generate thought and the possibilities that may come. Like a muscle that strengthens in practice so will your idea muscle. Of course ideas are grand but without motivation to act followed by some series execution they may remain as just that, thought. Create the thought by asking questions but then do the work.
If this book sounds of interest you can purchase A More Beautiful Question: The Power of Inquiry to Spark Breakthrough Ideas
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Peace, passion and purpose…
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