
  • 441 Keith Wallace - Gut Crisis: Information to Heal Your Body & Mind


    Dr Wallace conducted pioneering research on the Transcendental Meditation technique. His seminal papers in Science, the American Journal of Physiology, and Scientific American supported a new paradigm of mind-body medicine and brain development.


    Discover Your Why – Free Coaching Call Valued at $250

    Dr Wallace was the founding President of Maharishi University of Management and founding President of Maharishi Ayurveda Corporation of America. He travelled throughout the world for many years with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi giving lectures at major universities and institutes on consciousness-based health programs.

    He has recently published Dharma Parenting: Understand Your Child’s Brilliant Brain for Greater Happiness, Health, Success, and Fulfillment, with attempt to explain the reasons for these differences using ground-breaking scientific research to help parents ascertain their child’s unique brain/body type. Drawing on the time-tested knowledge of these Ayurvedic types and combining it with the latest understanding of how the brain is shaped by natural maturation, Wallace and Travis show parents how to better understand their child’s natural inclinations and corresponding strengths and weaknesses.

    He is the author of many other books and this chat he shares some great insight into how we can all live a life with greater happiness, health, success, and fulfilment.

    Key Take Outs

    • Find your dharma. The path of righteousness. How does this relate to you? I believe the true essence of life, at least at this point, is about finding our dharma, what is our true path, cause or purpose. Through the universal laws of how best to live this life we will be better able to find our dharma.
    • Ayurveda body types: Vata (Winter, air and either), Pitta (Summer, fire and water) and Kapha (Spring, earth and water). Do your personal research to create better understanding. Use the quiz that Keith recommends at dharmaparenting.com and discover your body type. You may create greater awareness of how you react to life and therefore be better able to create greater harmony. This will allow you to life more greatly towards your full potential with purpose.
    • Give attention and become conscious. I like the thought on the need for giving attention to a child. I like the thought that we all need attention and depending on our body type this will vary. But ultimately if we can be more attentive, which can be created through greater awareness, perhaps we will make greater decisions and choices that will allow us to live more fully.
    • Spiritual awareness and outer joy. This is another interesting perspective and refreshing thought on success and what it means. Most of us, at least in the west, chase possessions and money however without ever achieving great spiritual awareness. You can have both but a life without spiritual awareness will never be fully lived.
    • Prevention is the best method. Why we are not taught this is beyond me. Maybe a part of life is about figuring this out through experience. It is harder to reverse something that could have been prevented in the first place. Work now to prevent what you don’t want to be in life later on.

    Do you have any routines and rituals that you believe contribute to your success?

    Transcendental mediation (TM), Walking & Writing

    What advice would you give to your 20-year-old self?

    Find a great teacher

    Keith’s interpretation of success

    200% of life. There is a great need for inner spiritual awareness and outer joy

    What is your number one productivity advice?

    Transcendental mediation and sleep

    What advice would you give someone that needing/wanting to make change?

    Find your Dharma

    Quick round questions

    Favourite Food

    Italian and Japanese

    Favourite Leisure Activitiy

    Golf and walking my dog

    Favourite book(s)

    Ender’s Game (The Ender Quintet) by Orson Scott Card

    Dharma Parenting: Understand Your Child’s Brilliant Brain for Greater Happiness, Health, Success, and Fulfillment By Keith Wallace


    “No thy self” Socrates


    Do we all have a why?What does living life with passion and purpose mean?

    Yes. The question of why we are here and what is my purpose and the meaning of this life. It is the full development of every quality within us. It’s about taken the journey and figuring out how to unfold and get to it.

    How to find Keith and other links

    Email kwallace@mum.edu

    Amazon – books links

    Dharma parenting – dharmaparenting.com

    Maharishi University of Management – https://www.mum.edu

    If you are interested in finding more freedom, fulfilment and happiness in your life take the opportunity to jump on the Discovery Call. Valued at $250, this is a one on one coaching session to help you define your hidden why and discover the action steps to getting your there. 

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