The Essential Laws of Fearless Living: Find the Power to Never Feel Powerless Again
By Guy Finley
“The limit of your present understanding is not the limit of your possibilities.”
The idea that we limit our ability to live into our full potential and to live this life without ever having accomplished all those dreams and desires we have scares me. It is a fear of mine to reach the end having this inner sense of regret. This is why I take purposeful action towards living my why and following the path which is my own journey. I believe it is on this path that greater freedom, fulfilment and happiness can not only be reached but are actually lived by following this path.
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Fear however does slow me. It slows many of us. While I am committed and to some levels fearless towards creating my own path in this life, one that is true to my Self, my self-limiting beliefs around what is possible can get in the way – often enough! As Guy eludes to in the above quote it’s my lacking of understanding and knowledge that truly slows me and therefore perhaps nothing else.
In this book Guy explores the idea of living fearlessly so you can move beyond the illusion of your limiting Self into a life that is more beautiful. He takes the reader on a spiritual journey with concepts that at times are hard to grasp but in reflection always insightful and powerful.
I would compare this read to the works of Eckhart Tolle such as The Power of Now and A New Earth, both unbelievable reads. It is a breeding ground of new thought and ideas that can really shift your perspective on how to better live your life.
The key message is to allow the light to shine from your True Self that already exists within. To move beyond the disillusions of your current state by letting going and embracing this light. If we wish to progress then we must learn to let go of this self-created thought, this fear, and let the light fill the space that is currently in the dark.
“The past is as powerless to darken the present moment as is a shadow to reach up and drag down the form that casts it.”
If we allow our lives to be consumed by the dark, the limiting thoughts, beliefs and fears we will likely remain there. If we can just place trust in the idea that light within our souls exist and only desire for us to progress may we then let in this light overpower the dark and once again take control of our lives so that we can flourish into our potential. And with this light source emanating from our essence may we move forward more fearlessly.
These shadows of our minds have solid roots in place particularly for the mind that is unaware. Our conditioned lives have placed boundaries on our True Self’s ability to breathe and spread its light. To turn this around we must become aware. We must emerge ourselves in learning mindfulness. An aware mind can differentiate between what is truth and what is not.
“An unattended mind is the breeding ground of self-defeat.”
Guy Finley’s wisdom and ideas sit well with me. They give me courage to keep doing the work required to progress. Everything that exists in this universe has the desire to evolve so to do all our souls. Therefore, it may be with great reason to not become trapped in one’s egotistic mind and start spending time searching deeper within our True Self. May this then allow for great light to be shone to allow you to continue on your beautiful journey in life.
This book by Guy Finley can certainly assist you in learning and understanding your True Self so that you can begin to open your life to greater freedom, fulfilment and happiness that that is already within you just waiting to shine.
“To know that every moment — regardless of how it comes wrapped — is a gift greater than you can give yourself, is to be well on your way to a life without fear.”
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If this book sounds of interest you can purchase The Essential Laws of Fearless Living: Find the Power to Never Feel Powerless Again
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