Pivot: The Only Move That Matters Is Your Next One
by Jenny Blake
This is a practical guide to those of you who are looking to transition into a new career. Perhaps you are not currently motivated within your occupation. You might feel that your skills and talents are being wasted. It might be that you just don’t feel you are living the life you truly desire.
For whatever number of reasons, the facts indicate that many of us, up to and over 80 percent of us, are dissatisfied with our work. It may not mean you dislike your workplace but simple the projects or tasks that occupy your time no longer carry any great significance or meaning to you. It might be that you are looking for more creative expression in your work or even that next challenge.
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On the other hand, you may find yourself deeply undertaking work that doesn’t connect with who you are at the core. It is on this path that you will find yourself constantly in some state of suffering in life. When the majority of our life is spent doing something that gives us not great fulfilment and freedom, life becomes less purposeful. This ultimately affects our state of being. And if our state of being is not great life becomes a little, or in many cases, a lot less great.
Is change on the cards for you? Have you been dissatisfied for some time and haven’t yet taken the courage to make your transition? If it is time, Jenny Blake in her book Pivot shares a guide to making that next move. As her subtitle suggestions the only move that matters is your next one. This statement is so true if we desire to live a more purposeful life. Each move we make next is important.
Jenny talks on the topic of pivoting and indicates if we don’t initiate the pivot we are likely to be pivoted. Workplaces are changing constantly and rapidly. The way the world operates and the way we do things is progressing faster each day. To be secure doing the same thing for a 40-year career is no longer happening. For that reason, it may be necessary that we take charge of our lives.
Jenny’s Pivot strategy is designed to assist you in making a sound next move. Rather than being moved by the current without control she gives a practical guide as to how to steer your ship in a purposeful direction that makes sense to you in your life. The process is broken into 5 stages: Plant, Scan, Pilot, Launch, and Lead. Each section is introduced with clear intent followed by real world examples and then actions that we can take to adapt it to our own lives.
I particularly connected with stage one – Plant. For me we must start with our WHY before we can proceed. Without this we lack the compass to guide us on the very next step. This is when we start proceeding without any clarity or purpose. It may be a sure way to move in circles. Know your why! Connect with your dreams, understand your skills and talents, know what fires you up – what your passionate about, and stay clear on your values, needs and desires. The more awareness you create around these and the more you connect with them the more purposeful your life will flow.
In stages three and four Jenny introduces the Pilot and Launch strategies. I like the idea of testing your planned Pivot out without such great leaps or levels of risk. She shares techniques on doing that. You can start with small tests before you move into any serious launch. This allows you to really feel that viability of your Pivot and also gives you a greater sense of how it feels to you. In either case you may decide it’s not the right Pivot and therefore reassess.
With some successful testing and measuring you are ready to Launch. Go for it! Life is too short. If you don’t take the courage to make your next move you may find yourself getting to a point in life where you are living with regret. Jenny describes this as the real meaning of failure. Failure does not come by not achieving what we desired or set out to achieve. Failing is not attempting what we desire in the first place and therefore living with regret.
A great book and definitely one I would recommend you read if you are looking to make a career change. If you are just looking to shake things up a little to bring back more motivation and excitement to your life then this book is also useful. Enjoy the read and I hope your next move is more purposeful.
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If this book sounds of interest you can purchase Pivot: The Only Move That Matters Is Your Next One
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