The Overwhelmed Brain: Personal Growth for Critical Thinkers
By Paul Colaianni
A great book on personal empowerment. I enjoyed this read. Paul Colaianni has vulnerably shared his personal story and the lessons he has learnt in the process. In sharing his experiences and insight Paul provides practical tips and advice on how we can empower ourselves to live in honour as to the life we desire. A life that is true to one’s Self.
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He talks on a variety of life topics important for us all in living this experience as fully as we are able. Topics include how to avoid self-sabotage to living congruently with your values. Ideas and insights on how to better understand the relationships in your life and how to remove yourself from any suffering they may cause.
He addresses the path to healing the past through self-expression. How to build your emotional strength by being vulnerable. At the end of the book he provides a self-empowerment checklist that is kind of a summary and guide to help you best honour yourself in life.
There are many great insights into one’s own life that comes from reading and learning the lessons from another’s journey. While each of our journeys are unique much of that patterns to our human construct are the same and therefore life lessons can be shared.
As I read Paul’s story I was very appreciative of just how vulnerable he was. He shared traumatic stories of his past to highlight methods in healing. He talks on the idea that if we do not get comfortable expressing ourselves we tend to block the path that will take as forward in life. Many people are living stagnant and unhappy lives based on something from their past that limits their chance of progression.
He talks on gaining empowerment by honouring yourself. Something that I reflected on deeply. In many situations in my life I have dishonoured myself in order to please another, keep the peace or internally to avoid fear or my own truth. Such times cause unnecessary self-suffering. Sometimes it is good to ask yourself, “what is best for me?” In honouring your true Self and existing with integrity to what you value comes greater empowerment.
He talks on the topic of relationships. The truth is that many of us allow ourselves to remain in toxic relationships that cause us continual suffering. We have an attachment to the idea that we can make others change. Trying to control what is external to us only adds to the fire. Relationships are integral to one’s happiness but they can also be the cause of much of our pain. Choose your relationships wisely.
Paul highlights two areas that cause the greatest suffering in life – our relationships and money. For this I can certainly resonate. These can stimulate fear in life. All that we fear limits our progression. Paul shares ideas on how to move beyond our fears in his work also.
In summary I would suggest if you are looking for greater empowerment in life. If you are seeking to start walking a path in life more true to your authentic Self than this book will assist you to take control of your emotional well-being, remove the clutter from your overwhelmed brain allowing you to progress towards greater happiness and living the life you truly desire.
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If this book sounds of interest you can purchase The Overwhelmed Brain: Personal Growth for Critical Thinkers
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