Marc Allen is an internationally renowned author and president and publisher of New World Library, which he co-founded (with Shakti Gawain) in 1977. He has guided the company from a small start-up with no capital to its current position as one of the leading independent publishers in the country.
Marc is a well-known musician and composer as well, having released five albums of his music for the label he co-founded with Sky Canyon and Robert Powell, Watercourse Media.
His latest book The Magical Path — Creating the Life of Your Dreams and a World that Works for All. Like several of his previous books, this book gives us a wide variety of simple, concrete practices that can immediately have a powerful impact in our lives.
Marc featured in episode 071 on The Hidden Why Podcast and now returns to share some greater insights about life. Powerful conversation and thought as always. Enjoy!
In this Episode:
- Life is Empty. Any interested way to view life. If everything is created from the same source and that source is indeed empty, made of energy than what is life. How great is it also that we have been given a mind then to interpret life as we wish? How you interpret it is up to you and will determine the experience you live.
- Dare to Dream. Don’t not dream. We have to take the courage to allow ourselves to dream as wildly as we wish. Nothing us could be more fulfilling than to following a path of dreams, even never to reach them, than not to. Make sure they are your dreams and not dreams simply stimulated from the conditioned state that we exist.
- Do the work. We must be prepared to do the work. You will face challenges. You will be meet with fear, limiting beliefs and self-doubt for that you have to walk towards and through. On the other side there is magic and on that path which is truly your own you will find magic. It will not come without doing the work first.
- Focus on the positives. It is too often that we focus on the negative aspect of life. The negatives that come with fear and failure. We allow them to consume our mind. This creates more of the same. We can be aware but divert our attention to positives, the lessons, the wins and focus on them. This will ensure we bring more of what we need into our life to drive away what we do not need.
- Connect within. You must connect to your why. You have to connect with your essence, your soul, your truth. What does this experience mean to you? What is the state of being you desire? This is your guiding tool to live a more purposeful driven life.
How to find Marc Allen
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