The Little Things: Why You Really Should Sweat the Small Stuff
by Andy Andrews
“Perspective is the only thing that can dramatically change the results without changing any of the facts.” Andy Andrews
What a surprisingly great little read. Packed with such purposeful insight and perspectives. What is life but an accumulation of the little things. We hear it often enough but do we really consider the little things we do and how they have impact on not only our lives but all those around us?
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Andy Andrews is a New York Times reporter, speaker and author and is all about awakening and empowering the human spirit and mind to live more inspired lives. This book is a little dose of that.
Without the need for lengthy explanation or too many intertwined stories Andy shares a single perspective, his, on a few subjects that are very essential in living peaceful, purposeful and happy lives.
One of my favourite chapters was about perspectives. Here explains the difference between what we perceive and our perspectives and how our perspectives can shape our lives and reality. For what I may see may be different to what you see and while we could debate and be in conflict over our differences at the end of it all it will be our individual perspectives that impact our lives.
In each chapter Andy shares a story about how one little thing makes a big difference. It is too easy to became unconscious to how much impact the little things in our lives can truly have. If we awaken our mind and just become a little more observant to all that is and all that we do perhaps we can change the direction of our lives.
He highlights how using one little word that I am very fond of can have great impact in our well-being and quality of life. That word is why! Asking why. When did we stop and why? Why is the sky blue, why do I drink tea every morning, why is everyone so up in arms about the recent presidential election? When we stop asking we stop answers and we just proceed with our current beliefs and opinions. This is perhaps limiting approach in life.
He talks on being different. He talks on change. He talks on awareness and gratitude’s. When we are so obsessed about everything we don’t have we lose sight of everything we do have right now. This takes the beauty away from living life purposefully.
Be open to the insights Andy shares, be open to new thought, be open to change. The personal insights you will gain from reading this book may benefit you permanently. I just know you will love this little read.
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If this book sounds of interest you can purchase The Little Things: Why You Really Should Sweat the Small Stuff
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Peace, passion and purpose…
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