For centuries humanity has been working to empower itself with better tools and insights, from science and surgery to electricity and the Internet. A history of triumphs that we should be celebrating. However, what is the consequences of history, progress, free information as it relates to our ability to live life fully and with meaning?
In this episode, I have a conversation with Brad Harris as we tackle some questions in relation to history, progress, and modern day life. How can history be used to give us purpose and better our advancement both individually and society as a whole?
Brad Harris is the host of How It Began: A History of the Modern World. Brad combines his professional expertise as a historian with a uniquely charismatic style of presentation to educate and entertain his audience on big inventions and discoveries that helped shape the modern world.
After earning his Ph.D. in history of science and technology at Stanford University, he left academia for a couple of years to work in the tech industry, but that sojourn only increased his passion for history. Instead of re-entering academia to pursue a professorship, he began his podcast – How It Began.
Discussion Topics
- History and progress as it relates to the modern world
- Are humans truly capable of progress
- The risk of a misinterpretation of history through popularising historical information.
- The benefits of understanding the information of history as it relates to progress and life.
- Are humans too slow to adapt to the advancements of science and technology? What are the consequences?
Quick round questions
Do you have any routines and rituals that you believe contribute to your success?
Keep things super simple. Maintain health, diet, sleep, exercise.
What advice would you give your 20-year-old self?
I don’t know yet. I don’t have enough life wisdom in my mid-thirties. My 20-year-self had some more strenghts.
What is the meaning of success?
To sustain a non-academic version of doing history.
What advice would you give someone that needing/wanting to make a change?
Focus on the small things that matter.
Favourite Food
Favourite Leisure Activity
Favourite Book
Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies
by Jared M. Diamond
1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus
1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus
by Charles C. Mann
M. Mitchell Waldrop
How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia: A Novel
by Mohsin Hamid
Favourite Quote
“We are all refugees from our childhoods. And so we turn, among other things, to stories. To write a story, to read a story, is to be a refugee from the state of refugees. Writers and readers seek a solution to the problem that time passes, that those who have gone are gone and those who will go, which is to say every one of us, will go. For there was a moment when anything was possible. And there will be a moment when nothing is possible. But in between we can create.”
Do we all have a why?
We should have. We are responsible for asking ourselves that question, “What’s my why?”
What does living with passion and purpose mean?
To figure out what your best at and what your best self is and keep working on making that better.
Connect with Brad Harris
Website, podcast and twitter links can be found here.
Further Reading and Resources
TED Talks: Ideas worth spreading
Elite Daily: The Voice of Generation Y
Four Hour Work Week: How to escape the 9-5, live anywhere and join the new rich.
The Minimalists: How to pursue a minimalist lifestyle and be happier.
Mind Hacks: Tips and Tricks for Using Your Brain
Rich Roll: Plantpowered Wellness Advocate
The Art of Charm: Build confidence, feel comfortable and networking differently.
The Art of Manliness: Encouraging men to be better husbands, fathers, brothers, citizens.
Tiny Buddha: Simple wisdom for complex lives.
Mind Body Green: Lifestyle media brand dedicated to inspiring you to live your best life.
Zen Habits: Find simplicity and mindfulness in life.
Creative NonFiction: “true stories well told.”
Barking Up the Wrong Tree: science-based answers and expert insight on how to be awesome at life.
The Positivity Blog: Practical articles on happiness, self-esteem, productivity and social skills.
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