The Minimalists Podcast by Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus
“Minimalism is a tool that can assist you in finding freedom. Freedom from fear. Freedom from worry. Freedom from overwhelm. Freedom from guilt. Freedom from depression. Freedom from the trappings of the consumer culture we’ve built our lives around. Real freedom.” The Minimalists
Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus are the Minimalists. Two friends who in their late 20’s decided enough was enough. They decided to get off the hamster wheel of life to create and live more meaningful lives. And in doing so, they became The Minimalists.
Minimalism: to live a more meaningful life with less.
There are other words used to describe this lifestyle choice, for example, purposefulness, essentialism, intentionality or necessity. Minimalism is the term they use to explain how to live a life with less and in doing so living with a higher sense of meaning and, I believe, happiness.
As far as I know, these boys had a pretty standard upbringing. Conditioned to a life of consumerism that has become the capitalist strategy to keep the general public distracted from their otherwise insecure, dissatisfied, meaningless and unhappy lives.
I know, I paint a pretty bleak picture. However, I believe that many of us a living trapped by the modern day lifestyle. We have disconnected from our story, from an identity that connects us to live with more meaning and purpose. And perhaps its due to the modern day clutter that unnecessarily consumes every moment of our time. Stuff that has no real purpose.
It’s the story that pushes us beyond the selfishness that has become the pursuit of modern day life into the realms of purpose. It is about being grounded and behaving integral to our values thus creating a more profound sense of being. In doing so, we are motivated not by selfish reasons but for reasons of expression, significance, and contribution that benefits the collective state of humanity and all life as we know it.
To get there, we have to remove the noise. The clutter and the overwhelm that distract us from what truly matters. A simple lifestyle.
I guess Josh and Ryan woke up to this. They began to wonder, as I have and continue to reflect on – What is all this chase all about? The question I like to ask is “Why?” Why do I believe this? Why do I do this? Why do I want this? Why do I have this? Why do I feel like this? Why is this important? Why is this the current state of my being? And is it how I genuinely wish to be?
Josh and Ryan say this about minimalism – it best you head to their website and read it for yourself. Here is the link.
They say that minimalism isn’t about restriction and I’d have to agree. The beauty of life, evolution, and progression is not so we can decrease the quality or value of life, it’s so we can improve it. And yet, despite all our advancements, it appears we are more depressed, medicated, addicted and unhealthy than ever before. A good indication that something is inherently wrong with the modern day lifestyle’s we lead.
Minimalism is about freedom. Here is a paragraph from The Minimalists article – What is Minimalism?
Minimalism is a tool that can assist you in finding freedom. Freedom from fear. Freedom from worry. Freedom from overwhelm. Freedom from guilt. Freedom from depression. Freedom from the trappings of the consumer culture we’ve built our lives around. Real freedom.
They also state that in creating a minimalist way of life they have realised the following benefits:
- Eliminate our discontent
- Reclaim our time
- Live in the moment
- Pursue our passions
- Discover our missions
- Experience real freedom
- Create more, consume less
- Focus on our health
- Grow as individuals
- Contribute beyond ourselves
- Rid ourselves of excess stuff
- Discover purpose in our lives
I am in absolute agreeance. I stumbled across minimalism by accident. I quietly began to ask some more significant life questions, and in asking them, I started to see that the life I was living was giving me any sense of meaning or higher purpose. If anything it was drowning me.
I began removing the clutter. Following my passions. Doing everything with higher purpose and slowly I noticed how much unnecessary bullshit I had removed from my life. The stuff that clutters our lives is the stuff that prevents us from truly living. The things that we consume often ends up consuming us.
Personally, I have never felt freer. Then it found me, a more in-depth state of happiness and contentment. Happiness is not the results of constant pleasure relief. If anything that can be ineffective in producing a life of happiness. The relentless and ever-expanding pursuit of carvings leads to a continuous undertone of dissatisfaction and agitation that results in more self-caused suffering.
No, happiness, as I believe it is finding peace and satisfaction in every moment regardless of the pleasure or pain that we may be experiencing. And that is a result of living a minimalist lifestyle.
Their podcast is enjoyable. I think the episodes are recordings taken from the boys presenting on tour. I have never attended one of their talks, but I believe it is a talk followed by a round of Q&A. The podcast is the Q&A component of that. There is indeed value in their content.
I think the questions others have about minimalism and the attached benefits or challenges within are often the same questions we have so it’s an excellent show to listen into for that reason.
The podcast and talks I find are a little bit repetitive. And for that reason, it’s not a show I listen to each episode. Like most things you can exhaust the information to the point that it becomes less of value.
It is entertaining. The boys are great hosts and have a very commercial appeal. They are not about advertising, however, and they apparently highlight this in every show. Mind you there is plenty of Self-promotion which I think is ok. The goal is that through their presentations, products etc. they can fund more of what they do to help spread their message. And personally, I think it’s an essential message.
I think the due to my own experience on this subject I don’t receive as much value as someone who is just starting out in the minimalist’s lifestyle. I also think there is a risk of just copying and following others towards the creation of a minimalist lifestyle. I believe minimalism must be primarily an individual pursuit. Like the trend of meditation and mindfulness at the moment, it has to be an experience of self-learning and progress otherwise it will last as trends do and therefore the benefits never fully realised.
If you are looking for thoughts, advice and practices on creating a minimalist lifestyle these boys are the experts. They have some excellent books, too, which I have read and reviewed. They also have a documentary which you can view on Netflix. See links below.
My suggestion – have a listen. Don’t get lost in the hype and trend. Seek to understand the central message and intent. It has real benefit as it relates to creating a more meaningful life – a life with greater freedom, fulfilment and happiness.
If this podcast sounds of interest you can listen to it here.
Please leave your thoughts, comments & questions below.
Peace, passion and purpose…
Books by The Minimalists and Reviews
Further Reading and Resources
TED Talks: Ideas worth spreading
Elite Daily: The Voice of Generation Y
Four Hour Work Week: How to escape the 9-5, live anywhere and join the new rich.
The Minimalists: How to pursue a minimalist lifestyle and be happier.
Mind Hacks: Tips and Tricks for Using Your Brain
Rich Roll: Plantpowered Wellness Advocate
The Art of Charm: Build confidence, feel comfortable and networking differently.
The Art of Manliness: Encouraging men to be better husbands, fathers, brothers, citizens.
Tiny Buddha: Simple wisdom for complex lives.
Mind Body Green: Lifestyle media brand dedicated to inspiring you to live your best life.
Zen Habits: Find simplicity and mindfulness in life.
Creative NonFiction: “true stories well told.”
Barking Up the Wrong Tree: science-based answers and expert insight on how to be awesome at life.
The Positivity Blog: Practical articles on happiness, self-esteem, productivity and social skills.
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