5 Benefits That Come from Discovering Your Why & Living It
Life’s goal is to live with greater Freedom, Fulfilment, and Happiness. To do this, we need to ultimately decide on what that looks like for each of us and then go about discovering and developing our WHY from there. There’s that WHY word again, the most powerful word I know.
Today I want to touch on 5 reasons, not the only ones, that you will benefit from by connecting with your why and using this as the tool to navigate you on your journey in this beautiful existence.
For me, asking the big questions about life and trying to experience, as best I can, living congruently with my inner “why” I have made some pretty exciting and rewarding discoveries. My wish is to share them using this platform.
When you follow your unique journey in life, according to your “why” life becomes that much more beautiful and here are five reasons why this occurs.
You create a Deeper Sense of Happiness.
When you know your “why” you gain a deeper sense of happiness in life because your “why” aligns you with your core values. When you live according to these, you become happier.
Also, when you live your why you start doing more of the things that you are passionate about and love. Doing these things will raise your level of happiness now and will put you on a path towards your dream life, therefore increasing your future happiness levels.
When we live the life that we desire, we find greater balance and this results in progression – a fundamental human need. When our we meet the expectations of our needs with our reality we become happier. It also assists us to iron out the suffering that can be due to living incongruently with one’s “why.”
Discover more Self-Significance.
Self-significance comes from having confidence in one’s worth. It does not mean that we must attach ourselves to this “BIG ME” mentality that is a consequence of the modern day reality we live. But rather to understand that we are not that important. It is important is that we make the best use of the time we are given to experience life.
When you live by what is important to you and do the work with those areas, you find greater significance. The reason for this is because you find more meaning in the work you do. Meaning results in significance and that creates a life with more freedom, fulfillment, and happiness.
It is challenging to find meaning, significant, purpose and self-worth in doing shit that you don’t love. How can you? When we don’t do what we love, what fires us up, what we are curious and interested about in life, how can we connect the dots to a greater sense of meaning? I don’t believe we can.
Make Greater Decisions & Take More Purposeful Action.
When you know your “why” you are better able to make decisions and take purposeful action. If you don’t, it becomes challenging to make decisions. Sometimes tedious and painful. This challenge blocks you from taking purposeful action. We are more inclined to make decisions on a whim.
People without clarity of their “why” seem to wander through life with less focus and direction. Walking around aimlessly at a shopping mall without intent may feel like fun but seriously, what’s the point? Is it the best use of time?
If you treat life in this manner, you may have moments of happiness but a meandering mind is always in search for more meaning much like a meandering soul, or life, is not going to progress our lives towards more meaning. And hoping that something will come across our paths by accident in our undirected wander is wishful thinking – it may just lead to regret when we look back at the time we’ve spent and consider it “wasted.”
Raise Your Levels of Motivation.
When you know your WHY and start living it, taking purposeful action, your motivation will sky rocket. When you do what you love, when you follow your dreams, when you work within the areas aligned with your skills and talents, when you understand your true needs and desires, the motivation to do the work is incredible.
Think about one thing in life that get you out of bed with energy. Think of a time in the past that you’ve felt an unusual level of motivation. Now ask yourself why? It is likely because it had a combination of the above elements. Passion, interest, curiosity, skill congruency, dream alignment, and purpose. That’s when we are most motivated in life.
Be Rewarded with Challenges More Beautiful.
Life will always present us with challenges. I thought to myself, who likes to be challenged and what I realized is that we all do. We all love a good challenge. It is particularly that case when the adversity, problem or obstacles we face relates occurs along the journey in life we have chosen to take.
When we live our “why” we take more ownership of our lives and not only will we be more committed to overcoming and obstacles we face, but we find more joy in the process.
On a journey in life that is not connected to the life you desire to live, adversity and challenge will be met. As it will be found on the journey that followed according to your “why.” On any paths that we follow we can also find joy. Overcoming a hurdle results in joy and satisfaction. The lessons we have and the learnings had will allow us to grow and progress.
The difference in the two is that one will progress you towards living the life you truly desire and the other will not. You will find more happiness in pursuit by following the paths in life that are according to your “why,” what is important to you, what you value, and what you desire. And longer-term that will create a life that can be lived in a deeper state of happiness.
Discover your “why” and start living it. You’ll immediately feel great when you do and that can only lead to better things.
I have a brief questionnaire that you can download for free by heading to my website – www.thehiddenwhy.com. It is called the Discovery Questionnaire. Find it under the resources tab.
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