Late Bloomers
My conversation with Rich Karlgaard is all about patience and the power of playing the long-game in finding our full potential in a world obsessed with early achievement. Based on years of research, personal experience, interviews with neuroscientists, psychologists, and countless people at different stages of their careers, in Late Bloomers, Rich reveals how and when we achieve our full potential—and why today’s focus on early success is so misguided, and even harmful. An important, enjoyable and inspiring conversation.
Guest Bio
Rich Karlgaard is the publisher of Forbes magazine and the author of LATE BLOOMERS: The Power of Patience in a World Obsessed with Early Achievement. He is also a lecturer, pilot, and the author of four acclaimed previous books. A self-proclaimed late bloomer, Rich had a mediocre academic career at Stanford (which he got into by a fluke), and after graduating, worked as a dishwasher, night watchman, and typing temp before finally finding the inner motivation and drive that ultimately led him to his current career trajectory.
Connect with Rich here.
Late Bloomers: The Power of Patience in a World Obsessed with Early Achievement
– by Rich Karlg aard
Further Reading and Resources
TED Talks: Ideas worth spreading
Elite Daily: The Voice of Generation Y
Four Hour Work Week: How to escape the 9-5, live anywhere and join the new rich.
The Minimalists: How to pursue a minimalist lifestyle and be happier.
Mind Hacks: Tips and Tricks for Using Your Brain
Rich Roll: Plantpowered Wellness Advocate
The Art of Charm: Build confidence, feel comfortable and networking differently.
The Art of Manliness: Encouraging men to be better husbands, fathers, brothers, citizens.
Tiny Buddha: Simple wisdom for complex lives.
Mind Body Green: Lifestyle media brand dedicated to inspiring you to live your best life.
Zen Habits: Find simplicity and mindfulness in life.
Creative NonFiction: “true stories well told.”
Barking Up the Wrong Tree: science-based answers and expert insight on how to be awesome at life.
The Positivity Blog: Practical articles on happiness, self-esteem, productivity and social skills.
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