The Social Leap: The New Evolutionary Science of Who We Are, Where We Come From, and What Makes Us Happy
by William Von Hippel
Written and narrated by Leigh MartinuzziWilliam Von Hippel is a professor of psychology at the University of Queensland, Australia. In this book, The Social Leap Bill maps out our evolutionary past to share insight into what made us the social mammals we’ve become. It’s a provocative and inspiring perspective on the evolution of human psychology and what it means about who we are, what makes us happy and why.From the canopies of the rainforest to the plains of the savannah our ancestors were forced to make many life-altering changes. Changes that have shaped the fundamentals of how we live our lives and key aspects of our evolutionary past that separated us from all other species. The shift from individualism to collectivism driven by the need to reproduce and survive has had a profound impact on the progression of humankind.
758 William Von Hippel – The Social Leap, Who We Are, Where We Come From & What Makes Us Happy
Using evolutionary science Bill explores the exciting history of our past stretching back six to seven million years ago as we ventured out of the rainforests in search of food. Although it may seem like a senseless move, Bill explains the why behind it. Personally, reading about the science of our past fascinates me to no end. As millions of years past major changes took place not only to our physical nature, going from all fours to walking upright, but also how we behaved and how the mind works.
As Bill explains, it was this monumental social leap that permanently influenced our human psychology and impacts us today. The need to cooperate to hunt effectively encouraged us to work together. Tribes progressed to communities who grew crops. Today we understand how important it is to be involved in a community, why we love those within our immediate circles and yet outsiders are less favoured. We understand that teamwork and our ability to cooperate are not only fundamental to our innovation and progression, but also to how meaningful our lives are.
From an external perspective, the human psyche often seems irrational and even contradictory and Bill shares many examples to illustrate this. For example, why do we have jealousy even when it’s towards our dearest friends? How is it that violence and hate that has carried on throughout history and considered unacceptable by most of us is still evident today? From how we lead and follow, innovate and create, share stories and work together, love and hate, this book is an insightful view behind human progression, intelligence and life satisfaction.
In part three Bill illustrates how we can use this knowledge we have of our evolutionary past to create a better future. Two of my favourite chapters nine and ten put a nice close to the book. Chapter nice looks at Why Evolution Gave Us Happiness and ten focuses on Finding Happiness in Evolutionary Imperatives. While he concludes that there is no single purpose to happiness it appears to be a strong motivator for our survival and reproduction. Using his research Bill wraps things up with 10 easy steps to living a good life.
The Social Leap doesn’t provide all the answers, but it certainly scratches an itch around why the human mind has evolved as it has. Using evolutionary science to understand who we are, how we behave as and why brings clarity to much of our psychological makeup. It can provide clarity and perspective as to what is fundamental and essential life principles that when applied will provide us with more freedom, fulfilment and happiness.
If this book sounds of interest you can purchase The Social Leap
My interview with Bill von Hippel found here.
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Tiny Buddha: Simple wisdom for complex lives.
Mind Body Green: Lifestyle media brand dedicated to inspiring you to live your best life.
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Creative NonFiction: “true stories well told.”
Barking Up the Wrong Tree: science-based answers and expert insight on how to be awesome at life.
The Positivity Blog: Practical articles on happiness, self-esteem, productivity and social skills.
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