
  • Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion by Gary Vaynerchuk

    So what is holding you back from living a life following your passions?

    Is it fear, the unknown, where to begin, the troll voice that comes in your head and tells you that you cannot.

    How will you ever make a living out of your passions?

    Sometimes we look at others and simply tell ourselves that its ok for them but I could never achieve what they do. My passion and ideas could never make money or let alone a career out of them. Just read this book!

    In this book Gary explains why now is the time to cash in on your passion and even shows you how you can do it. Its quick easy to read guide that illustrates how he revolutionised the wine industry and took his family business from $4 million to $60 million in five years using his video blog and Wine Library TV.

    This book will show you how you can turn your real passions into real businesses. It certainly won’t do it for you but it will give you the right ideas, inspiration and tools that can assist you to do so. The best part is that its direct, no fluff and a simple straight forward read that you should be able to plough through in a few short sittings.

    Gary leverages the power of the Internet and social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, to create amazing fast success in the wine industry and from their building and maintaining his personal brand. It’s freaking fascinating to say the least.

    But I hear the negative voices coming alive already. He had a head start, he has access to better mentors and coaches, and he just got lucky, blah blah blah!

    I whole-heartedly agree that now is the time to go out there and follow your passions. When you follow you passion and find a way to produce great content and provide awesome value for your community you can make a living and a positive lifestyle out of it.

    In all seriousness thought even if your passions don’t become your career by just following them you will enrich your life 10 fold. When you enjoy what you do, you enjoy life and life gets easy.

    I heard of this story the other day of a guy who raises chickens in his back yard who decided to peruse his passion and make it into a business. He did that and now has a 6 figure plus per annum business. He now helps others in the fine art of raising back yard chickens.

    If you put your mind to it, follow a passion that is true to yourself, and come up with some creative ways to offer value, then with the internet you can make just about anything work.

    This is what The Hidden Why is all about. Helping inspire you to step out of your comfort zone, to help you find what it is that truly gets you pumped and then finding a way to make a lifestyle out of it.

    Gary teaches you in his book why social media is the new billion dollar advertising tool that we can all utilise to promote our ideas and passions. From there you can find ways to monetise it.

    This doesn’t mean you need to go out there today and quit your day job, although why not, but rather how to get started on your journey to setting up an online business that you can work on around your current job. Then when you are confident enough, then quit, why not!

    Gary Vaynerchuk is a social media mogul, entrepreneur, keynote speaker, founder Vaynermedia, angel investor, and of course the host of The #AskGaryVee Show. You want access to great mentors, well here is one guy you can and while your there learn a few lessons from the guy to go out there and follow your passion.

    Get a copy for yourself here.

    Please as usual I’d like to ask you to leave your thoughts, comments and reviews for me. If you have read this book yourself please let us know what you thought.

    Until next time, peace, passion and purpose.

    Other books by Gary Vaynerchuk



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