If You Are Aware Are You Ready? A Thought or Signal To Take Action.
Awareness comes from being conscious of something. It is an ability to feel, be, or to know and perceive certain objects. In consciousness we can make better decisions to act then if we were not.
Therefore if you are aware are you ready? In this state and with this level of awareness you have all that you need to act. If you are conscious about change that you are wishing to make, conscious about certain desires and aspirations then you are ready.
For many of us awareness is not an indication of readiness. We have reasons for this. Too often we use these reasons to procrastinate or as an excuse to start making the progress towards that desired state of being.
We may be aware but we have fear. We are aware but we have self-doubt. We are aware but don’t have everything we need. We need more time, money, love, confidence or good looks. We are aware but something is holding us back.
We don’t become aware just to experience pain and suffering. We become aware to release ourselves from our current undesirable state of being. I know this! If awareness doesn’t allow us to progress and make better decisions, to take action, we will experience resistance.
Resistance is great because it allows us to have strong learnings and greater growth. Like working-out our muscles we feel pain yet then as we work through the pain we become more toned. On the other hand resistance that we don’t push through and take action on will linger. Anything that lingers is without purpose and becomes a problem.
There must be a reason why you have this new awareness. If there is not than it will vanish itself. Like the thousands of other thoughts that come and go it will soon be extinct from mind. If this is the case than it was not something you needed to be ready for nor act upon as it bared no great significance.
If this is not the case and the awareness that has risen is more permanent then you are ready and you must act. The longer we wait the longer we miss out on the real experiences of life. Don’t wait!
In pain we are blind to opportunities that present themselves and they always do. Our suffering smoothers more pleasurable feelings and stops us experiences more peaceful states of existence. If you are aware and not taking action, not progressing, the awareness becomes more intense, it grows and so does the pain it causes.
It is okay to simply be aware without action. A higher state of awareness is to be more mindful. Being mindful will allow you to exist with greater clarity and peace. When there is something that puts pressure on this, like the change we seek, there is usually call for adjustment. It is this that we need to act upon. If you are aware you are ready!
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