To Live is to Suffer – The Conditions We Create in Escape
“To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.” Friedrich Nietzsche
In giving up the pleasures that I once sought, those activities that consumed me, that caused me both pleasure and displeasure, in attempt to escape my perception of Self-suffering I ask myself, “has it helped?”
Buddha said, “Life is suffering.” It is however often misinterpreted. I am not here today to try to explain this misunderstanding. What I wish to do is share a quick thought on why there will always be an underlying sense of suffering in life.
Everything is changing, and nothing is permanent. Impermanence is suffering. Trying to hold on to all that is in constant flux leads to suffering, but we all continue to try hold on. (more…)
Passions – The Pursuit of Purpose Through Deliberate Practice
There is no doubt in my mind that pursuing our passions makes life great. Passion breeds purpose. It defines an internal motivation that pushes one into action and removes the unnecessary from our lives.
Every day we are all confronted with thoughts of passion. Things we wish to pursue that spark our curiosity and interest. Ideas of doing what we love. Weaving our hearts deepest desires into our daily lives make us dream and dreaming feels good! It is the source to enhance the flavours of an otherwise bland life.
We are all passionate about various things. Passions that have lived from the time we were toddlers and have since woven into the fabric of our personality and character. Some of which we still regularly pursue and shine a light on. Others that kept glowing and like oxygen to a flame only illuminate when we choose to bring breath to them. (more…)
Work with People You Want to Work With.
Thoughts From A Real Estate Agents Perspective
Written by Leigh Martinuzzi
“When you please others in hopes of being accepted, you lose your self-worth in the process.” Dave Pelzer
I have spent much energy and time by trying to please everyone, trying to be accepted, trying to be liked but realised I had to change my ways. I began to eliminate those I didn’t want to work with, play with, be with, progress with, achieve with and love. It’s an elimination tactic that helps me thrive. Here’s why.
As a real estate agent, I had to deal with people every day. A big part of my job was to ask people for their business, to select me as the agent to sell their house. (more…)
A Thought on not Drinking
“Drinking is an emotional thing. It joggles you out of the standardism of everyday life, out of everything being the same. It yanks you out of your body and your mind and throws you against the wall. I have the feeling that drinking is a form of suicide where you’re allowed to return to life and begin all over the next day. It’s like killing yourself, and then you’re reborn. I guess I’ve lived about ten or fifteen thousand lives now.” Charles Bukowski
I often feel like I am trying to offer others suggestions on how to live life more correctly. Honestly, that is not my wish even though some people have told me at times I comes across that way. My sincere intention is that through reflection and introspection I can share different perspectives that challenge the way others think and inspire people to create healthy lifestyles. (more…)
7 Rules to Guide You Through Procrastination
A few weeks I posted an article titled – Procrastination: Is Procrastination the Thief of Time?. This week I wish to highlight several rules I use to help guide me through times of procrastination. I hope they are of value.
RULE 1: When in a state of procrastination ask yourself the question, “Is this something of importance or can I eliminate it from all thought?”
If something is important to us, you wouldn’t think we would struggle to act upon it, right?
Putting off those things or importance whether for an hour, a day, a year we will certainly delay the fulfillment and joy it may bring into our lives. Procrastination can stop us from living our lives to their fullest, living our dreams and even prevent us from finding purpose in our lives. (more…)
A Thought About Changing Habits
“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
Mahatma Gandhi.I wrote this post about changing habits over two years ago. I have learned a great deal both in the personal experience of changing certain habits and in theory. And as I stated then, the topic of changing habits is much more significantly complex than I can address in this post. (more…)
The Self Is Not Real – Attachment Will Lead to Suffering
Is the concept of Self an illusion? That is the question that I’d like to discuss in this post. It’d be great if I could give a definite answer. However, I am not sure I am wise enough. And of course, if there is no Self how could ‘I’ which is an identity or attachment to a form of Self possibly know the truth. Contemplation and reflection may be my best attempt.
We can describe the Self as a person’s essential being that distinguishes them from others, especially considered as the object of introspection or reflective action. In teachings of the Buddha, there is a concept of no-self or not-self referred to as anatta. It is a controversial topic that’s difficult to understand, and I think beyond that even harder to accept.
For me, my interest in the concept of Self is a result of my search to reduce my Self-imposed or Self-created suffering. As I have traversed the last several years and committed to trying to figure out life, I have discovered and begun to realise that much of my dissatisfaction in life is Self-caused. (more…)
Procrastination: Is Procrastination the Thief of Time?
Have you spent time in procrastination today? If so, over what? It is usually not a matter of if you procrastinate because most of us do daily, but what you procrastinate over. When I think about all the time I’ve spent in procrastination, I wonder how much time I’ve spent over my life.
Is procrastination a time killer, is it time wasted, or is there actual benefits for procrastination?
Putting off things due to indecision, fear or a desire to pursue things that bring more immediate satisfaction on surface value seems purposeless, yet perhaps there is a reason for this act of procrastination.
Procrastination: The act of delaying or postponing something. (more…)
Part 2: When Is It Time To Quit & When Is It Time To Persevere?
In part one I discussed my thoughts on the meaning, we often attach to the words ‘quit’ and ‘persevere.’ In summary, I believe it is important to understand that ‘to quit’ something is not a sign of weakness, and therefore it shouldn’t be used as a reason or “fear” not to pursue something in life. Secondly, the act ‘to persevere’ is challenging and it is natural for most of us to steer away from a challenge as it is human tendency to prefer pleasure over pain.
I say “most of us” because some people who are already in good practice understand and know that in struggle or difficulty magic happens. We’ve all heard that significant growth and transformation occur outside our comfort zone. In perseverance we are more likely to experience progress while quitting has adverse effects, resulting in a lack of growth, acceptance of the status quo and even stagnation! Quitting can, however, also prevent us from spending much time and energy on futile pursuits. (more…)
The Story We Tell Ourselves
The story we tell ourselves. How does our story affect our everyday life? Why is it important to be mindful of the story we tell ourselves? Can we change our story?
We all attach ourselves to a story. It becomes the identity of our Self, forming who we are, or who we think we are. It is our internal narrative or dialogue used to guide our beliefs, behaviors and our life that can have both positive and adverse impact on the reality we live.
Our story is our reality! If we don’t like it, we can change it. And in changing it, we can thrive. (more…)

thoughts, ideas, inspiration, motivation, mindset, productivity, passion, purpose, lifestyle, work-life integration & other dribble.