Trust & Distrust – Why it is Better to Live with Trust
Trust is an admired quality for all humankind. For leaders, trust is an absolute. We are all our own leaders in life and therefore trust must be a quality we need to learn. This includes trusting yourself, others and the universe. Not always easy.
As I sit here and drink my green tea I trust that everything in life will be ok. If I didn’t I would likely feel more anxiety, nervousness, and pressure. These emotions are not pleasant and I don’t wish to have them. This is why I try and choose more trust.
Trust is unlike a magnet whereby polar opposites attract. The trustworthy attract the trustworthy and conversely so, the untrustworthy attract the untrustworthy. When it comes to how you live your life and towards what it is that you desire the same is true.
Altered Beast: The 6 Tricks to Power Up Your Life.
Do you remember the game Altered Beast? At least I think that’s what it was called. We played it on the Sega Master system. What a freaking revolution that console was. We spent so many hours playing games, and platform games like Altered Beast were the bomb!
To be honest we probably spent too many hours on the machine but at the time, it was worth it! Being that we were kids, playing was important, as was the creative influence it had on our minds, imagination and intellect.
In Altered Beast you had to make your way through the stage as a normal man however as you ventured through the level you could power-up. It you played well you could power-up quick and stay powered-up yet at the same time if you made a mistake or fucked up you would loose your powers and momentum.
The idea was to stay powered-up so that when you got to the end “bad guy”, you would be in better position to whop his arse. The concept of powering-up yourself to better complete the game was common amongst most, at the time. In Sonic you got coins for extra lives and other speed based power-ups and in Mario Bros you ate mushrooms and grew big helping you smash your way through the levels with greater ease. (more…)
What do you do when faced with disbelievers and the naysayers?
For many of us it can be the ones we are surrounded by, the ones that we love, that love us, the people that are in our life that can often put stop to our dreams.
We are also confronted by those that we somehow associate with, the ones that tell us that what we dream, what we desire to do and to achieve, is the impossible.
The ones we love usually do it to try and protect us from self-harm. Our parents tell us that it wont work based on their experience. Our friends don’t want to see us fail or find disappointment.
For the others, they are envious and really don’t want to see us succeed. They are the ones wishing that they had the courage to follow their heart.
Have you ever wondered why some companies do so incredibly well? They become major successes and sometimes within only a short amount of time.
Their secret: they disrupt the industries that they enter.
The path to success can be achieved simply by copying previous patterns of behaviours and success yet this strategy can be tedious. It can also often result without success.
“Those who cut against the grain, see real success.”
Following the herd, living to the status quo, walking in someone else’s footsteps can be grand. Those who cut against the grain however, see real success. They challenge the norm, and break down barriers of what was previously thought as having limits.
When I was in school I told myself I would never be good at public speaking.
When I was in university I thought I would never be good at connecting with people.
When I was working in a job I thought I would never be able to do what I wanted and still make money.
Just imagine the freedom in life doing what you actually enjoy.
We’ve all got to seriously stop making excuses.
If you ever want to make positive change in your life you’ve got to quit the excuses.
Descartes is one of the most famous philosophers of the modern age who wrote this line “I think, therefore I am”. Back in the day around the 16th century, this kind of thinking was most likely considered reason enough to be condemned. However in plight to defeat his own scepticism he went on to write about this belief.
So what does it really mean? I think, therefore I am. This belief is that thought, truly creates who we are, we are what we think, and therefore what we think is critical in identifying who we are in this body that we exist.
I believe our body to be purely a vessel to carry our mind in this one life and without the mind the body is without existence. Our connection to our body may therefore only exist due to our mind and our thought.
There are many traits of the successful people and there are many qualities of a happy and fulfilled life. Three that I have recently discovered are curiousity, conversation and variety. They all work together and also work separately in life but if you manage to incorporate them into you life you will notice a remarkable shift for the better.
The old proverb “curiosity killed the cat” is one that sends a message that unnecessary investigation or experimentation can be dangerous. This may be true yet those that sit idle may never truly live. In order to protect your nine lives don’t investigate, don’t experiment and don’t take risk. Though this may mean you never get to use one of those lives, or indeed enjoy life at all.
There is a great rejoinder to this proverb that says, “curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction bought it back.”
Tim Ferris is one of my mentors and as a matter of fact his face stares at me from my vision board hanging on my wall in front of me. Why do I look at this man instead of the thousands of others that I am sure have value to offer? It’s because I admire a few very simple traits he holds and shares very openly.
I am sure there are qualities that perhaps I don’t see and traits that perhaps don’t gel with my own but hey, that’s just life. The reason why I have many mentors and not just the one is because I can take a little bit of something from each of them to make me a little more improved.
That is my goal in life, self-improvement, to continually learn and improve myself each day until my body escapes me or until I perhaps escape my body.
So what are the three things I admire most about Tim?
I love sleep, most people I know do. Its nice, its comfortable and mostly it makes us feel good. How could you not love sleep?
Yet so often I hear of people with success claiming to have F-all sleep. They sleep only a few hours a night and operate fine. I call a big bunch of B-S to all that. This may be true for an exceptional few but for the most of us sleep is important.
In my research and conversations with people, clearly more knowledgeable on this topic than me, I have made some really cool discoveries. So I thought I would share them with you.
First let me just say that for everyone no sleep pattern will be identical, woman need more sleep then men, some men perhaps need more sleep than women, some will need more sleep than others depending on what they do in life, and some will find certain sleep hacks more useful than others.
For all that said, here are 5 pretty consistent sleep tips that I think would be adaptable to anyone’s sleeping habits.
The One Path to Success- An Analogy
Here is an analogy of the path to success.
The path to success is much like going on a hike to somewhere you’ve never been before. Lets say that hike is one of the most tallest and most famous mountains in the world. You decide which one that is.
Like any hike you have to start from base camp and trek towards the summit, this is true for life also. Some people may get a chopper ride part way up, this at times seems unfair however you must realise that they still may not reach the summit and likely also that they may just catch the chopper back down.
For those that go on this trek you will be faced with challenges along the way and at points you will just want to stop and give up. For some, like myself not to long ago, we will reach a plateau, a point in life in which we become comfortable and stable. We decide to not continue to the summit and rather simply accept how far we’ve come, and limit ourselves, limit our beliefs, on how much further we can go. (more…)

thoughts, ideas, inspiration, motivation, mindset, productivity, passion, purpose, lifestyle, work-life integration & other dribble.