How to Overcome Your Fear of Failure by Leigh Martinuzzi
Perhaps the number one thing that holds me back in life is the fear of failure. I am certainly one person that takes courage and continually strive to make bold changes in my life. This has allowed me to find ways to overcome the fear of failure and believe me I continue to suffer with this disease yet I am getting better all the time.
First of all let’s understand where it begins and that is within our mind. The fear of failure exists in your head either due to you never have taken action towards overcoming that particular fear or because you have previously taken action and failed, thus creating nervousness or fear to take similar actions once again.
Have you ever heard of the amygdala? These are little almond sized parts of our brain responsible for memory, emotions and our survival instincts. Apparently there are two of them. Without these little suckers perhaps we would have a much greater ease in overcoming our fears. Yet at the same time it is our amygdala that protects us from harm, injury or death. (more…)
“If someone offers you an amazing opportunity and you’re not sure your can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later.” Richard Branson
I did just that. I got the pleasure to hear Richard speak and afterwards I meet him behind the scenes. Sometimes opportunities come to us but only once in a life. If it is something you really don’t want to miss out on its best to say yes and than figure out how to make it work later.
To be honest this wasn’t a hard challenge to overcome for me but there was a moment of thought in which I was like, should I or shouldn’t I? Of course I did. I said yes!
With out getting too of track from the purpose of this post I just want to delve into this practice of grabbing hold of opportunities that present themselves. It is easy to say no to opportunities but equally it is easy to say yes. (more…)
“Fame is the condition of being known by many people usually based on notable achievements. So create those achievements.”
How many of us want to be a massive hit in life. Hands up if you have dreamed of walking on to a stage with thousands of people in the audience waiting to hear you sing or jam it out on the guitar?
Maybe you dream of becoming the next Jonny Depp, Charolize Theron or even the next Richard Branson, the dream of stardom is not uncommon.
Fame is a projection of ones ego and we all have one of those, some much stronger than others. The problem is that we will not all become major stars or celebrities.
Ego is a psychological mind matter in its own right and if you chase fame to stroke your ego, your sense of self-importance in this universe you may experience suffering. (more…)
Manage Your Emotions: If Only First We Seek To Understand
“Seek first to understand, and then to be understood.” Stephen Covey
I was riding my scooter the other day delivering some pamphlets, wow! Riveting topic. For those of you that don’t know I am a real estate agent and please don’t hold that against me. Apparently real estate agents ranked as a less trustworthy profession than prostitution, CEO’s and even car salesman. Well I certainly don’t judge any of those professions and certainly only aim to do my part to improve this result. Shame on us all!
So in my week I deliver pamphlets to promote business and myself. It takes about 4 hours to complete delivery to my area and can be quite enjoyable on a nice sunny days listening to hours of podcasts and I know for sure that my stuff is getting in those letterboxes. (more…)
A life without regret: 8 Ways to get yourself out of the FUNK
“I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself, not a life that others expected of me.”
Do you ever get that feeling like life is going nowhere? You fell like your stuck and unable to get out? Feeling restricted and like this is how life is meant to be but deep within you there is a yearning to be free?
Life is challenging, life is full of ups and downs, and life can be difficult, sometimes it feels so hard and complicated that you may wonder what its all for, but this shouldn’t be the case!
Life is grand. Life is a gift. At times life might present you with challenges but they shouldn’t be meet with struggle and disdain but rather be greeted with a smile and treated as healthy and exciting challenges.
Understand life and what it truly means and you may just find it’s actually not so hard but rather easy and pleasurable. (more…)
The Freedom of Life Without Choice
We all have choice in our lives, some more than others yet I have come to realise that it is choice that is actually not more freeing yet rather more restrictive. Without choice we have much greater freedom!
There are other benefits that come with less choice and to think about it this actually leads us on a path to freedom. Everyday we wake in the morning and are faced with so many choices, what to wear, what to eat, to exercise or not to exercise, whether to go to work or not. Choices can make us less effective.
Think about the choices you have daily that require no thought because the choice is a daily part of your life, a ritual or habit. Brushing you teeth before you go to bed is something many adults do without hesitation, we don’t allow the thought of the option not to brush but it is available. (more…)
A Powerful Habit Changing Process in 5 Steps
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is no an act, but a habit.” Aristotle
The New Year is here and for many of that means we have set some goals for the year and come up with action plans to take us there. The New Year marks for us new beginnings and a chance to make some changes, to transform and develop a new and improved self.
If everyday you can make yourself that little bit better just imagine what you will become over a lifetime of continual improvement.
It’s something about the first of January that for many of us represents a fresh start, a clean slate to keep on track and to accomplishing everything that we so desire in life. (more…)
Finding Your Why: How to have Passion Sex
Did I get you with the tittle? Well let me tell you post has nothing to do with sex, well almost nothing. James Altucher is and idea machine, if you haven’t heard of this guy then your missing out, look him up and listen to his podcast “The James Altucher Show”, appropriately titled. When he talks about having a great idea he says sometimes the greatest way to create something truly unique is to have idea sex. Yes, sex of your ideas!
So this might mean getting one already existing idea like peanut butter and gel it with another idea like popcorn and suddenly you have peanut butter popcorn. You could even go a bit more radical like the idea of the combining the Aussie meat pie with peanut butter and creating a peanut butter pie. Hmmmm… yum!
What does your future look like? Have a Clear Vision so you can put the pieces together.
When I wake each day after I exercise and then I like to mediate. It doesn’t take to long unless I do a lay down meditation in which after a workout I may fall asleep.
During the mediation I try clear the mind, focusing on breathing and taking breath to certain areas of the body. The mind wonders and I just encourage it to come back. Meditation seems to calm my mind so that I can work through my day with less pressure, and I do feel less stressed.
Whenever I distract myself from the focus of mediation and bring my attention back, I consider that a success. This is the goal of meditation, and that is to be able to control your mind when dealing with adversity so that your focus is not swayed and you can continue on a productive path. (more…)
Who controls you?
We are all controlled in some way by something. Control is all about influencing our behaviour, actions, events, and beliefs and in doing so we are more easily managed.
You ever feel like you’re without control? I do.
So many things in my life consume me and control my destiny. I feel sometimes it’s the smallest things that seem to influence me the greatest. If I could just let go, free myself from their shackles my life could be totally different. What about you?

thoughts, ideas, inspiration, motivation, mindset, productivity, passion, purpose, lifestyle, work-life integration & other dribble.