Have you been in places in the past where the feeling is that overwhelming that it makes you sick, it makes you cry.
You feel this pain inside that is unlike normal pain, like the pain I experienced after doing a mono on a pushbike, falling and tearing my cruciate ligament in my knee.
It’s a pain that we all at some stage experience. I have and not just once. Some people I know have it much, much worse than myself and more consistent I am sure.
This is the pain associated when our out of control emotions take over because the future looks hopeless. It looks bleak.
Does this come natural? Are we born to know what it is in life we should do? Are we born with passion? Must we search for what it is that excites us? Or do we simply stumble across something during life that gets us pumped?
Probably a combination of all the above, some will find their calling in life earlier than others however whenever you discover it, it is well worth the search.
“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” Mark Twain
So I have heard it often and as often enough felt slight guilty and sometimes even overwhelmingly so that when I be kind to myself, and focus on me as a priority, I feel selfish
Is this attitude wrong? Many would argue that it is. But the truth is how can you ever help others, lend a hand, if your own back yard is messy.
How can one endeavour to make success in his or her life if they themselves are not ready for it?
Time is by far the most valuable resource we have and I am not sure how many ‘times’ I hear it and have even said it myself; “I wish I had more time in the day”.
Yet what many of us fail to realise is that it not something that will come with ease but we can actually create more time in our day. That is by consuming less.
Consuming? Completely filling ones mind and attention!
One must, when consuming, do nothing else but place their attention on that that they consume.
Sounds crazy, funny, whatever, stick with me here.
What is this really all about? Can someone really fake it until they make it?
I have heard it a bit lately about faking it until you make it. I thought objectively it could be looked at in two ways. Like another trend at the moment ‘failing is good’.
Some people really do live life faking it everyday. They may be dishonest. Perhaps it is that they don’t live life congruently with their true inner self, consistent with their beliefs and values.
I am not sure what it is in this world and I am probably not an exception however am trying to educate myself and redesign my life.
Everywhere you turn you see busy people. People driving fast and erratically to get to the next location, people running through malls, and people just generally keeping very busy.
My first thought is how busy could we possible be. Is being busy just something that makes sense in the world we live in today? Is being busy just a new favourite activity that makes us feel as though we are a productive member in society?
I keep searching for freedom; I think I am lucky though as for most of my life I have had a pretty high level of it.
Its addictive and I want more!
Being grateful for what you have rather than being upset or angry at what you don’t have is a sure way to get more of the same. I am grateful for the freedom I have but as I get more I must better understand the discipline that is required to manage freedom.
Not everyone wants to be rich, I understand that however many people I know would love to have money to allow them the freedom to have all those experiences they truly desire.
When you think of the success what immediately comes to mind? Who do you think of and what does this word success mean to you?
Well for many years I thought success was just that, being a multi-millionaire. Over the years as I have matured, well as I have aged not sure if I will ever mature, money has becomes less associated with success. (more…)
When you’ve got something you just have to do but perhaps it is not the most exciting part of my week you need to make it fun. And at the moment that’s exactly what I am doing, listening to podcasts and audiobooks while I ride around on my scooter for 3 to 5 hours.
I just listened to one of my mentors and friend, David Wood. David bought up the idea of going first so why not record myself and share and elaborate in my own style what this all means.
What does your ideal life look like?
I want you to think about it for a little bit right now. I want you to dream and see your vision. What does your idea future hold?
What would you be doing? How would your freedom look like? What would your relationships look like, your health, your money?
What best routines you can adopt to live your ideal life, live each day to its fullest and in doing so to live a life full of passion, happiness and satisfaction.
One you won’t regret when you reach the end of it.

thoughts, ideas, inspiration, motivation, mindset, productivity, passion, purpose, lifestyle, work-life integration & other dribble.