Change is inevitable, everything is constantly changing, and it is how we deal with change that makes us or breaks us.
Where there is change there is uncertainty and as human beings we are programmed to be cautious when we are uncertain or uncomfortable.
I think it’s a defense mechanism. Our brain releases some kind of chemical to say, “Oh shit, this is not normal, ALERT!”
From there we do everything we can to push and fight against this outrageous intruder called change. We don’t like the upset in our standard patterns or practice so we try avoiding them.
Here is a great Chinese proverb that I think we can take a lesson or two from. And it goes, “the more you sweat in peace the less you bleed in war”.
This is also along the lies of the Spartans philosophy and that is that by training really hard off the field you were likely to bleed less in battle.
So what can we take away?
When I was a kid I wanted to be an adult, I wanted adult things and I wanted an adult lifestyle. Now I look at kids and go, “wouldn’t it be great to be as care free as they are”, I want what they’ve got or perhaps I want their way of living with the adult luxuries.
What is most fascinating about kids is their ability to live in the present. What happened yesterday doesn’t really matter and what is happening tomorrow is neither a concern.
They seem set on what it is they are doing right now. They are fascinated usually with whatever it is that is in front of them. Cartoons on the T.V., the blocks, getting on the scooter, obsessed with play.
If you’ve never done sales before it doesn’t matter, rejection gets to us all.
The fear of receiving a blow and having someone say ‘NO’. REJECTED!
How embarrassing this will be. How hurtful. How insulting.
The fear of rejection can lead to a life lived in regret.
So this morning I am lying in bed awake, it’s early, not unusual to be awake at about 3 or 4am for me, and I started to think about fears. I think it came to me while my 3-year-old daughter was lying beside me and she did this big twitch.
The fear of falling, the only one true fear any of us have. It is inbuilt into our system from birth and appears strange but is indeed instinctual.
When you lie in bed and doze off your visuals change leading to a feeling of lose of balance that in turn makes you jump or twitch.
Many studies have been carried out ranging from testing the natural reflex mechanisms in babies; to the sudden jolt you sometimes get just after falling to sleep, to dream states and fear of heights.
Are we all geniuses or are we simply plagiarising others work?
We all consume tonnes of material on a daily basis and the thought for this blog is to flesh out whether it is actually possible to create new work or is it just a case of really rearranging and reorganising stuff we consume and communicating it in a different way?
Communicating it through different minds and different channels.
Reading for me is a new favourite past time as it helps me with ideas and creative thought for my writing among other things. I also consume tonnes of podcast audio, probably 2 hours a day or more, which I absorb heaps of content from.
From growing up with his many awesome movies, Arnie, to many of us is a legend. With great lines like “get to the chopper”, or “ I’ll be back”, the most quoted movie line ever, he has certainly built his celebrity status.
He has however done so much more and is truly a man of great success in which we could all learn a thing or two from. And I am sure for all the success he has had, he has had equally a far share of challenges and turmoil.
Like not too long ago he was unfaithful to his wife. Two sides to the story I am sure. But being so successful and so admired I am positive that he would have women throwing themselves at him all the time.
I want you to do me a favour and ask yourself this question, “Is my job or career my true passion or calling and does it provide me everyday enjoyment and happiness”. Answer this honestly to yourself. If you answer were not as pleasing as you would like than perhaps its time to make change. If you want to be just another cog in the system than great, if not put you hand up and stand out.
Here I am doing my early morning walk to get my blood pumping, choosing to walk rather than run just to take in the serenity and gather some thoughts. I find it rather peaceful, almost like mediation, especially while it’s still close to dark, mid winter, not many people out and the only noise I hear is the local bird life.

thoughts, ideas, inspiration, motivation, mindset, productivity, passion, purpose, lifestyle, work-life integration & other dribble.