A Hike Remembered – Find What Ignites You (revised)
Written by Leigh Martinuzzi
I found myself lost, hiking through an absolutely magical place – the lamington national park. Alone and with my thoughts and a true masterpiece of one of Mother Nature’s beautiful creations!
The splendour and chaotic beauty of nature. The succulent growth of trees, vines, leaves, water, waterfalls, that combine to form a breathtaking piece of art. How grateful that I get to experience such wonder. And truly grateful for those people who act to protect these places. I hope that the future generation may witness and enjoy such experiences.
Automobile University – Invest in Your Growth
Written by Leigh Martinuzzi
Growth, a fundamental human need!
Why is growth so desirable – so necessary? What is it with this need to continually cultivate, learn and develop ourselves? Is the obsession an attachment to our curiosity? Is it a method of developing self-importance and meaning? Does growth assist our progression? And for what purpose? Does it fulfil life’s greatest purpose – survival? And what is the purpose beyond survival? (more…)
Love and Belonging
“I will love you through everything. Can you do yourself the same honor?”
― Scott StabileLove is a powerful energy that lives within us all. It is revealed through actions that act as the social glue that binds humanity together and allows us to share, contribute, protect, understand, collaborate, evolve and progress – united! Its purpose is to connect life, not separate it, and in this state, all life serves a better chance of survival.
Love has many definitions, and I don’t believe it’s all flowers, romance and sex. It goes deeper than this. Love needn’t only occur between two people. Love can be exerted to many, like the love a mother has for all her children or the love a leader has for his people. It doesn’t exist only for those who receive love. Love can be shared with someone that has done wrong by us, even to someone who has murdered. (more…)
Purposeful Thought & Action = Life’s Purpose
Written by Leigh Martinuzzi
I’ve spent the last few years researching, reflecting and writing about life’s purpose. The Hidden Why exists for this pursuit. Searching for our fundamental life’s purpose. My purpose. Seeking ways to create a life with a little bit more meaning.
And so, the great philosophical question is asked, what is the purpose of life?
What is the purpose of my existence? The purpose of our existence? (more…)
Why Having a “Plan B” Makes Sense
Written by Leigh Martinuzzi
Some time ago I was sitting in a recruitment room of about 100 people – mass recruitment at its best, attentively listening while the CEO told us his motivational story hopefully trying to capture our belief in himself and his company. For what it’s worth it worked because as he concluded the presentation the same 100 people just wanted to be part of his dream.
During the talk, he discussed why having a plan B, C or beyond is pointless, ensuring us all that having a plan A is all that is necessary. Plan A, in this case, would be working with his company and so a plan B or other would be pointless and likely indicate a lack of commitment. Why?
Tech – Killing Human Connectivity or is it?
Written by Leigh Martinuzzi
Technology has been said to come with many great efficiencies. Of course, it does! As we marvel with tech’s rapid and amazing advances we are becoming more aware of how significantly, both positively and negatively, it infiltrates our everyday lives. Digitalisation has a heavy impact on our lives and is now a prominent field of study.
Backed by research there are those who would argue the tech is indeed making life easier for people. Then there are those that would disagree stating that the digital world is killing what it means to connect. What it means to be human.
Many studies suggest that people are less effective at developing interpersonal skills and relationships, unable to share emotions and feelings, and lack an understanding of how to behave in social environments. (more…)
How to foster creativity?
Written by Leigh Martinuzzi
Creativity is a gift given to everyone. I genuinely believe that having a creative outlet is an essential part of life. It’s a perfect method of personal expression. Necessary to feel more, enjoy a more and to discover a greater state of meaning and happiness.
For some people, creativity appears to flow abundantly like a dam bursting its banks. For others, they either do not realise their creative potential or do not spend enough energy and time in creative practice. (more…)
Habit, Skill and The 10,000 Hour Rule
Written by Leigh Martinuzzi
Andres Ericsson has spent a lifetime studying the psychology behind expertise and human performance. He is internationally recognised for his decades of science-backed research addressing how anyone can develop superior skills and mastery within any field. His most recent book is called Peak that highlights why talent is not innate and how experts are made, not born.
If you’re interested, please check out my book reflection here – Peak.
The 10,000-hour rule, popularised by Malcolm Gladwell, is one of Ericsson’s more well-known areas of study. Ericsson himself states that the “10,000-hour rule” is actually not a rule at all. The 10,000-hour rule suggests that by doing any activity repetitively one will master it. The average time to accomplish mastery is 10,000 hours. This is a common misinterpretation. Doing anything repeatedly for a (more…)
HATE – We All Hate!
Written by Leigh Martinuzzi
“The people we discriminate against are in our public politics and in our culture are also the groups of people most likely to be bullied in school. That is not a coincidence. That’s hate!” Sally Kohn
Hate is an intense dislike for someone or something.
Why do we hate? Perhaps the primary reason for “hate” is that we believe that someone or something may bring threat to our survival. A threat to our tribe. A threat to our Self, our ego! (more…)
Developing Creativity
Written by Leigh Martinuzzi
Creativity is often seen as a novel pursuit, one that is characterised by a false reality combined with some degree of realism. Some might argue that creativity is of little value. There to entertain an individual or group or people with dreams and story. To transport us to a world lacking logic or rationality and therefore usually an activity without any actual purpose.
Is creativity a wasted pursuit?
Does it solely exist to bring joy to the creator?
Does it lack any tangible reward?
Is creativity purposeful to our survival and human progression?

thoughts, ideas, inspiration, motivation, mindset, productivity, passion, purpose, lifestyle, work-life integration & other dribble.