Leadership – A Life-Skill
Succeed in Your Professional & Personal Life
Written by Leigh Martinuzzi
Leadership is a skill not only favoured to those who manage large teams or coach at the local football club. I’d consider leadership a life-skill. We should teach it to school children along with several other important life-skills essential for living a successful and happy life.
Why? Because at some point in time, we will be required to lead others whether on a large or small scale. More importantly, we are at all times entirely responsible for the leadership of our life.
Taping into The Unconscious Mind: A Modern Perspective
Written by Leigh Martinuzzi
The unconscious mind is said to control the majority of how we act and behave. Some studies suggest as little as 0.08% of what we process happens on the conscious level. The brain is a marvellous organic operating system that sucks a heck of a lot of energy. To operate efficiently, our system runs on a network of memory and prediction. The unconscious is a powerful sub-system of our brain that helps us automate our lives. If that’s the case, it would make sense to learn how do we tap into the power of the unconscious mind?
Cognitive thought process takes place in the conscious part of the human brain and uses a significant amount of energy. We have to focus our attention, think, study and solve problems. Once we do, we can use the stored memory and unconscious operating system to make future predictions. (more…)
Walking a Spiritual Path
Written by Leigh Martinuzzi
The subject of spirituality is sometimes a difficult one to navigate. There are those of us who speak about it and those of us who avoid it like the plague. It is often misunderstood, confused as a religious pursuit and associated with people that are a little bit “out there” in how they live their life. I was one of them. However, I have begun to understand spirituality and why a spiritual path in life is essential and available to all humankind.
What is spirituality? When you hear this term what your first thoughts and images that come to mind? (more…)
What is Enlightenment?
Written by Leigh Martinuzzi
Immanuel Kant was an 18th-century German Philosopher who wrote an essay in response to questions of enlightenment titled “Answering the Question: What Is Enlightenment?” His thoughts on enlightenment described it as “man’s emergence from his self-incurred immaturity.”
The concept centres around the idea of autonomy suggesting that one’s inability in autonomous thought and action is what keeps oneself immature and stuck and thus preventing enlightenment.
In this article, I wish to answer the question of what enlightenment. I will begin with my definition of enlightenment. (more…)
4 Ways on How to be Truly Happy
Written by Sarah Cummings
Listen up friends, I’m about to reveal the secret to a healthy and happy life to you. Drumroll, please…there is no secret!
Sorry, that was a cheap trick I know. But it’s 100% true. There’s no secret elixir. No magic pills. You certainly can’t buy your way there. Plastic surgery isn’t going to help, and neither is driving a fancier car.
Happiness comes from within, from respecting our body and fuelling it with goodness. Read on below, and I’m going to give four simple and completely free minor life hacks that will help you have a healthier, happier life. (more…)
A Life of an Entrepreneur
Written by Leigh Martinuzzi
Not everyone is made out for a life of an entrepreneur. I am not an entrepreneur! I feel I am more of a wantrepreneur. Whatever the case, from an external perspective the idea of being an entrepreneur looks desirable. Freedom to pursue your interests and passions. Be your own boss and make a handsome living in the process.
In this article, I attempt to answer the questions of what it takes to be an entrepreneur? How do I know if I’m an entrepreneur? And is this lifestyle the career path for me?
Speaking with Jeet Banerjee recently he described some symptoms of being an entrepreneur. A few you may be familiar however the one that comes to my mind is an eagerness to become your own boss or an inability to work with others. Jeet suggests unhappiness, a lack of fulfilment, decreased motivation and a tendency to watch the clock are all familiar to those with the itch to be an entrepreneur. (more…)
The Lost Art of Connection
Written by Leigh Martinuzzi
Relationships. Love. Human connection. Belongingness. These are essential elements of life and fundamental to the quality of our experience. Without them, we will suffer. They bring us meaning and purpose. They bring us happiness. However, I fear we are losing the art of connection, and I fear this is impacting our relationships and the quality of our life
According to Darwinism theory, humans are adaptable to their environment. To evolve, we adapt. All life does. The purpose – to carry on our genes. To reproduce and have our genes progress to the next generations. Ultimately survive! I like to believe we crave happiness. That deep joy is the primary motivation, however, by design, perhaps it’s not. (more…)
Hustle! The Freedom From The Need to Be Busy
Written by Leigh Martinuzzi
“Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.”
Hustle! This word has become common tongue in our culture. We’ve become a society obsessed with being busy. Why is there a need to always be so busy? What’s the reason? What is the cause? Is all this “busyness” necessary? Is it tearing our lives apart? Is hustle purposeful to progress?
An excellent place to start is to differentiate between being productive versus being busy. As we unfold specific characteristics of each type, we will discover the secrets to finding freedom from our need to be “busy.” (more…)
Being Terminated- A Fantastic Learning
Written by Leigh Martinuzzi (revised)
“Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit.” George Carlin
I was fired from my job. What a disaster. I was terminated on the spot and put under investigation. The investigation proved I was in the wrong and after two solid years of service in a senior management role my position ended.
As I felt it was an unfair dismissal, so I decided to challenge their decision. I took it to my solicitor who believed I had a case. The case dragged on for several months almost landing us in court. The experience left me with many kinds of emotions, confusion, slight depression, anger and strangely – excitement. (more…)
Our Love with Our Phones
Written by Leigh Martinuzzi
Are the figures true? Do we now spend on average 5 hours a day on our mobile phones?
If like me, you are shocked to hear these figures, I don’t blame you. I remember reading similar stats on the average amount of TV time. In adding it up, you will quickly find that it equates to approximately four or five working weeks. That’s a bloody lot of time!
Imagine what else we could be doing with our time. Imagine if you had four additional weeks a year to do whatever you wished. Would you spend it on your phone? Probably not. I wouldn’t! Of course, this is time accumulated over an entire day. We wouldn’t possibly spend 5 hours back-to-back on our phone, or maybe we would. (more…)

thoughts, ideas, inspiration, motivation, mindset, productivity, passion, purpose, lifestyle, work-life integration & other dribble.