Clarity and Virtue
The New Year begins. A new decade. After taking a couple off weeks of work, a little partying, perhaps a little too much, however, I backed it up with some much-needed rest and relaxation I feel refreshed and ready to tackle 2020.
I’ve decided this year to choose one word to define the kind of year I wish to live. That word for me is ‘Clarity’. As I wrote this, I feel very clear and yet appreciate there is still some haze and cloudiness that I wish to vanquish. This one word, I hope, will give this year purpose.
It is not my wish to bore you with my reasons for this approach or why I choose this word, however, I will attempt to explain myself in brief. After reflecting on the previous year passed, one that in many ways was prosperous, joyous and one I am grateful to have experienced, I feel it could have been improved upon had I been with greater clarity. I could have been improved upon.
It is not my wish to bore you with my reasons for this approach or why I choose this word, however, I will attempt to explain myself in brief. After reflecting on the previous year passed, one that in many ways was prosperous, joyous and one I am grateful to have experienced, I feel it could have been improved upon had I been with greater clarity. I could have been improved upon.
At times the waters were murky and my directions unclear. At times my mood, health, happiness were slightly off-kilter. With greater clarity, my hope is that I build greater virtue. Behaving with higher levels of moral standards and doing more of what is right and less of that which is wrong. Of course, I wish to be characterised by universal moral standards and having greater clarity will assist in this regard. Yet, this word clarity for me is really much more personal, maybe a tad selfish.
The six principles that I want to live by, life principles that I suggest we could all benefit from are, health, relationships, growth, contribution, expression and significance. These are fundamental to our overall freedom, fulfilment and happiness in life.
Without clarity, what hope do we have to progress and improve upon our personal virtues? Without clarity how is it possible to understand what those behaviours and activities are that will help us become more aligned with our personal purpose? Without clarity, purpose cannot be found and therefore what we do and how we operate may only be vaguely aligned with anything that is of use.
“Purpose” is living with good intention, a mental state that allows us to act upon that which has been thoroughly thought about and planned. Good intention requires mental clarity. Daily we take action. We make choices about what we will do and how we will fill our time. I often contemplate whether what I think, say and do is the best use of my time. Is it conducive to the kind of life I want to live? And then I have to ask myself, “what kind of life do I want to live?”
Reflecting back on the past year, the past five years, my life to date I notice certain and often consistent patterns. I flip flop, I am impatient, I keep chasing something in hope it delivers me more of something else, happiness, money, love… I am not too sure. I suffer in my own self-created pain, not living up to my personal expectations, not achieving goals, not reaching personal desires, unclear of what my desires truly are.
I want to improve upon my suffering. I wish to chase that which has meaning. Putting my time and efforts towards that which creates more meaning in my life. Being more purposeful. I want happiness, I want freedom, I want fulfilment. I am sure most of you reading this do too.
I believe the path there is by living more aligned with those six principles – health, relationships, growth, contribution, expression and significance, and these can only be achieved via the correct behaviours and moral intentions. Without clarity how will I ever know what they are.
And then I think that desires are fruitless and a great cause to my pain. The pursuit of happiness is infinite and for that reason perhaps there is nothing to be gained. This constant chase for more may be all in vain. And for everything that we want, that we don’t want, the sufferings and joy, is all right here, right now. To tap into it, to be more virtuous, to live with more purpose, making good use of my time, I must be clear.
A good reason for clarity is to live a more virtuous life.
Further Reading and Resources
TED Talks: Ideas worth spreading
Elite Daily: The Voice of Generation Y
Four Hour Work Week: How to escape the 9-5, live anywhere and join the new rich.
The Minimalists: How to pursue a minimalist lifestyle and be happier.
Mind Hacks: Tips and Tricks for Using Your Brain
Rich Roll: Plantpowered Wellness Advocate
The Art of Charm: Build confidence, feel comfortable and networking differently.
The Art of Manliness: Encouraging men to be better husbands, fathers, brothers, citizens.
Tiny Buddha: Simple wisdom for complex lives.
Mind Body Green: Lifestyle media brand dedicated to inspiring you to live your best life.
Zen Habits: Find simplicity and mindfulness in life.
Creative NonFiction: “true stories well told.”
Barking Up the Wrong Tree: science-based answers and expert insight on how to be awesome at life.
The Positivity Blog: Practical articles on happiness, self-esteem, productivity and social skills.
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