Emergence: Seven Steps for Radical Life Change
by Derek Rydall
The author of this book, Derek Rydall, spreads messages of inspiration that we can all benefit from. The premise for the thought is that all that we are and all that we wish to be is already within us. He claims that self-help is dead and to really emerge into your full potential and purpose you need to know, as Derek states, “that life doesn’t happen to you it happens through you.”
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He uses the analogy of the acorn that grows into the great Oak tree to define the Law of Emergence, a term he coined. Understanding that we have all risen from a seed and that, like an Oak that grows into something great, nothing needs to be added. All the the Oak is meant to become is already within.
He does suggest that personal development is an essential part of allowing our natural gifts and talents to flourish. Just as a tree will grow to its fullest potential when correctly cared for and nourished so will we.
I like to believe in Derek’s message that we are whole already. Each of us is exactly who we are and nothing can change our core essence or our soul. We can improve our externals, our reality and our environment to help encourage this self that is already in full but we cannot add to it.
We know that we all emerge from a seed. We all are fertilized and then born. What we become and how we form all starts at the same point, the mothers egg. Why do some people reach their full potential and others don’t? Well that’s a challenging question. However, what if rather than trying to change who we are through self-improvement techniques we allowed our authentic self to emerge by creating a nourishing environment?
Trying to make a maple tree and apple tree is the impossible. Trying to be someone you are not and forcing change can cause greater resistance to reaching your potential than allowing it to naturally emerge. Create the environment that will allow you to flourish and the rise up.
This is a great book full of motivation, inspiration and certainly an interesting perspective on how we could better live our life and emerge into who we truly are already. Stop fighting life and start living life by being who you are. There is no template for life! None of us are the same so we must stop comparing ourselves to everyone else and stop thinking that what works over there to nourish their soil will work for us. Adopt the behaviors that nourish your soul and emerge.
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If this book sounds of interest you can purchase Emergence: Seven Steps for Radical Life Change
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Peace, passion and purpose…
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