
  • When I was in school I told myself I would never be good at public speaking.

    When I was in university I thought I would never be good at connecting with people.

    When I was working in a job I thought I would never be able to do what I wanted and still make money.

    Just imagine the freedom in life doing what you actually enjoy.

    We’ve all got to seriously stop making excuses.

    If you ever want to make positive change in your life you’ve got to quit the excuses.

    If you want to take gradual steps towards doing what you desire, you’ve got to quit the excuses.

    If you want greater success and you want to accomplish amazing things in life, get rid of the excuses.

    Stop making reasons not to start and begin making reason you should start.

    If you tell yourself that you are going to wake up at 5am to start exercising don’t you dare hit the snooze button!

    If you have been telling yourself you are going to start singing lessons, you better be on that phone booking in a lesson.

    If you tell yourself that you want to ask that girl or guy out, you best take the courage next time you see them and ask them out.

    If you want to live a life full of meaning, one without regret, quit making the excuses.

    We only get one shot at this life so make sure you use it. You can never get more time so how do you want people to remember what you did with your time?

    When I was 12 years old, I jumped out of a plane at 14,000 feet.

    When I was 15 years old, with loads of acne and no clue on love, I asked the hottest girl in school on a date.

    When I was 21 I moved to Japan, lived there for 3.5 years and learned a new language.

    When your desire to live is undeniable and you take courage to just live you will be amazed what you can actually do.

    I now have more freedom in life than ever before. I no longer do what the boss wants me to do; I no longer do what my parents or friends think I should do; I no longer live a life to others expectation, I live to my own.

    And by quitting the excuses and taking action, step-by-step, I am living a life that I want.

    Quit making the excuses and start instead taking action today. This is your life.

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