
  • Being Terminated- A Fantastic Learning

    Written by Leigh Martinuzzi (revised)

    “Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit.” George Carlin

    I was fired from my job. What a disaster. I was terminated on the spot and put under investigation. The investigation proved I was in the wrong and after two solid years of service in a senior management role my position ended.

    As I felt it was an unfair dismissal, so I decided to challenge their decision. I took it to my solicitor who believed I had a case. The case dragged on for several months almost landing us in court. The experience left me with many kinds of emotions, confusion, slight depression, anger and strangely – excitement.

    I look back and thank my lucky stars for this fantastic opportunity.

    I was desperate to escape the machine of my working life. Dissatisfied with my role I was looking to leave my job and yet unable. The fear of change, the risk of venturing into something new, and the lack of support both externally and internally, it felt as though the shift was against me. Fortunately, they terminated me. By far the best thing that could have happened.

    In my opinion, the entire process unnecessary and wrong. However, I was grateful for the result.

    In my perspective, there are many reasons why it was wrong. Big companies run by little men making the decisions was the first error. When I was placed under investigation, it turned out to be nothing more than a poorly skilled HR manager asking the senior manager a few questions and then making his decision.

    It wasn’t a broad investigation, and I indeed didn’t have the opportunity for input. I couldn’t defend my case before the final decision was made. In the end, the solicitors settled the lawsuit, and I won the battle.

    Was it an enjoyable experience? Hell no! But did I learn a bunch? Yes!

    I understand it may sound a little contrary. However, my intent isn’t to share my disgrace or hate for the company instead I wish to share the learning’s I have gained from this experience.

    I have had many of these kinds of experiences in life, as I am sure many of us have. What would have previously upset me, I now look at with a positive light and as an opportunity to learn.

    When I was fired, it was an opportunity for me to learn how not to work again for such companies.

    When I was 13 years old working as a dish hand, and the dishwasher broke there was an opportunity to stop working away my weekends as a kid for $3 per hour and live more of my childhood.

    Only a couple of weeks after I moved to Japan at the young age of 23 years, I tore my knee ligament and discovered I needed an operation. Flown home in business class, an emergency operation and three months in recovery I had the opportunity to jet set back to Japan.

    Many of our most significant life’s learnings came after experiencing these hurdles. All these occurrences and situations demand us to look at life through different eyes. We so often get wound up in our emotional feelings at the moment that we struggle to find the positive opportunities that exist.

    What we desire, what we dream of, what we obsess over, what we want to change, what we wish to create in our minds, what we chase, what we choose to focus on, all, with the right dedication, will come to us at some time in ways we never imagined. We have to avoid the temptation of getting sucked under by the hurdles of life.

    Twelve months before being terminated I knew the job wasn’t taking me in the direction I wanted to go. I planted the seed. There are many reasons why I wanted to change; however, in short, I suppose I wasn’t a fit for this gig.

    I began my search for something else, a career that would provide me greater purpose and satisfaction. As I meandered through this process trying to figure shit out, I made some positive decisions and more poor choices along the way.

    For one, I started to dislike going to work. And to make it worse, I had gained a new boss who turned out worse than my previous, one. My frustrations grew. My attitude towards upper management changed. My attitude towards the company changed. My attitude towards life changed. It showed up in my professional life and home life.

    My second error was fear. I was fearful of change. I have always been one to handled change exceptionally well yet the ability to deal with change in this situation wasn’t easy.

    Uncertainty is a bitch. I was a new dad, so I had financial anxieties. How would I support the family? There was also the fear of failure. What if I failed? What if it didn’t turn out? Trying to predict the future possibilities tend to hold us back. If only I knew then what I know now. Things are never as bad as the mind makes them out to be. If we mindfully push forward, everything will be ok and just as it needs to be.

    When faced with these situations we can get so wrapped in our emotions that we forget the importance of now. Now is all that matters.

    At the time I was getting wound up in all sorts of stories. Stuff that’s didn’t even exist. I created scenarios of all possible events and outcomes of how my life would be played out. All this is irrelevant if what we do now isn’t purposeful. The future vision is essential however even more critical is the focus and action we take in the present.

    Wrapped up in my emotions I forgot about how I showed up in my everyday life. I was angry, frustrated, slightly depressed, and lost motivation to take care of myself. It was “I” that caused my termination. I created it myself! And I take full responsibility for how things ended.

    I could have handled things differently. I could have let go of my attachment to my cynical self. Improved my attitude towards the company and senior management. I could have shown up and given it 100% every day regardless of where I was heading. I needed to continue my pursuit of future opportunities and dreams while still living positively in the now.

    What happened did so for a reason. The path I am now I am grateful. I’ve learnt many lessons.

    How not to work in those situations. The art of pursuing passion and it’s discovery. How to avoid the pitfalls of our emotions. How to be aware and able to live in the moment. How to focus on my goals and put my time and energy into what matters. How to keep a positive mindset regardless of the adversity.

    Strive for a life of freedom. Freedom of choice, freedom of opinion, freedom in how to live my life. Freedom to do what I want and when I want. Freedom to live, laugh, love and enjoy life.

    I now have freedom. I have a purpose. I wake up every morning with drive, determination and passion. I wish to make a difference in my life and all others around me. Let your passion be your obsession. It is the best path towards self-improvement. It is the path towards living a fulfilled life.

    Further Reading and Resources 

    TED Talks: Ideas worth spreading

    Psychology Today: Psychology Today is devoted exclusively to everybody’s favourite subject – Ourselves

    Life Hack: Tips for Life

    Elite Daily: The Voice of Generation Y

    Four Hour Work Week: How to escape the 9-5, live anywhere and join the new rich.

    The Minimalists: How to pursue a minimalist lifestyle and be happier.

    Mind Hacks: Tips and Tricks for Using Your Brain

    Rich Roll: Plantpowered Wellness Advocate

    The Art of Charm: Build confidence, feel comfortable and networking differently.

    American Psychological Association: The largest scientific and professional organization of psychologists in the United State

    The Art of Manliness: Encouraging men to be better husbands, fathers, brothers, citizens.

    Tiny Buddha: Simple wisdom for complex lives.

    Brain Pickings: An inventory of cross-disciplinary interestingness, spanning art, science, design, history, philosophy, and more.

    Mind Body Green: Lifestyle media brand dedicated to inspiring you to live your best life.

    Zen Habits: Find simplicity and mindfulness in life.

    Creative NonFiction: “true stories well told.” 

    Addicted 2 Success: Motivation & Inspiration Website full of quotes and inspiring articles for entrepreneurs.

    Barking Up the Wrong Tree: science-based answers and expert insight on how to be awesome at life.

    The Positivity Blog: Practical articles on happiness, self-esteem, productivity and social skills.

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