
  • Happiness Is Developed Within: Forget All That Superficial Surface Shit

    Happiness Is Developed Within: Forget All That Superficial Surface Shit

    Happiness is not found externally. I believe this to be true. After years of relying on extrinsic needs to fulfil a momentary pleasure of happiness I was finding myself no closer to true happiness.

    Some people argue that happiness is not always possible because at times there is going to be struggle and heartache. I don’t deny this, life can be tough, however perhaps our perception on happiness is distorted. Maybe we are delusional on what true happiness is.

    Is happiness just all smiles, laughter, fun and being with the people you love? Sure, these moments are great but if we rely on them for happiness when we are without we may feel a little lacking or empty. Ice-cream is delicious yet we don’t eat it all the time. Can you still feel satisfied without it? The answer is an obvious yes.

    Beauty is not just based on appearance it is found much deeper within. The same goes for happiness, surface happiness will not make things more happy if the internal works are not in order.

    When we are content within we can be more at ease at time that we are without. We can handle moments of trauma, struggle, and pain with greater ease. Contentment is an inner state of happiness.

    This means that even without a certain thing or situation you will be satisfied. By understanding yourself deeply and how you interrelate and exist within the external world you will have greater awareness. An object is nothing but stimuli to create perception of how we feel and therefore how we actually feel is nothing but a creation of ones own mind.

    If this is the case, and I believe it is, then we can create a sense of calm, happiness, and contentment even when our circumstance are not totally desirable. Being happy is not then a matter of when you a with or without it is a simply a state of being. Even in adversity you will better realise that the moment is the moment and internally you still are who you are, nothing has changed there.

    This is why if you are not truly happy as you are right now the best place to focus your attention and do the work is on the inner self.


    If you are interested in finding more freedom, fulfilment and happiness in your life take the opportunity to jump on the Discovery Call. Valued at $250, this is a one on one coaching session to help you define your Hidden Why and discover the action steps to getting your there. 

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