
  • How Do You Define Happiness?

    How Do You Define Happiness?

    I have a curiosity and passion in trying to figure out what life is really about. As I continue to ask the big questions and research this field of work I am still not sure if there is indeed any meaning in life. I know that I am experiencing something based on how it feels but beyond that, I cannot be certain.

    As I desire to live this life and truthfully as I can to make the most of the time I have I continue to do the work. On The Hidden Why Podcast, I have had interviews with many inspiring and amazing guests. I learn something new from each one of them. I discover a little more and with each new discovery, I uncover a little more truth about life.

    For whatever this experience is I believe we are not here to endure suffering. I wish to remove myself from unnecessary suffering as best I can. What suffering is necessary? Maybe suffering that comes through giving birth or the suffering that results from the pain of an injury is necessary. The self-created suffering caused by existing with no greater meaning is not a necessary reason to suffer.

    Perhaps the biggest moral injustice that exists is the suffering that one causes another. I wish not to cause any being suffering yet I am not perfect. I eat meat an act that I question my morals. I know also that at times when I am not presently aware and fully conscious of my actions and behaviors I can cause suffering to another.

    My wish is to improve and continually progress so that I live with less unnecessary suffering and greater happiness. Being that this is such a passionate area of interest I wish to assist others in doing the same. Removing suffering and creating a life of greater meaning.

    Reverting back to my earlier question, “what is life really about?” One commonality that I have found both within my areas of research and throughout my interviews is that everyone ultimately seeks greater happiness. We are driven by the desire to move towards pleasure and away from pain.

    Some people may argue that happiness is not the ultimate goal while others may state that a higher level of happiness in life is not possible at least not constantly. I would argue otherwise. I would suggest that happiness is what some religious practices refer to as enlightenment.

    I will define enlightenment as, “a state of being that is created by the ability to exist peacefully with the guidance of one’s own mind without external guidance.” I believe we will find this happiness in our own existence when driven by our WHY we live our own journey.

    The other counter to happiness as being the ultimate goal of life are those that believe another value or state of being is the goal, such as freedom or fulfillment. Both of these which I refer to often and believe lead to happiness but alone are not the ultimate meaning of life.

    I have stated before that anything you think is the ultimate goal in life when you dig a little further I am sure you will find it leads to an ultimate desire of greater happiness.

    Finally, there are those of you who may suggest that because there are times we suffer this level of happiness cannot be reached. Like in the case of childbirth, grieving over a lost one or even when we are challenged. How can times when we are being challenged in life be happy?

    My answer to that is that people love to be challenged. We like to be tested. When challenged along the journey in life that is our own or for those things in life that we are passionate about the rewards are greater but the truth is that any challenge or test can bring happiness. It is a mind that can see each situation, no matter the effort or energy required to continue forth, for the learning that is an opportunity to progress towards this higher state of being of happiness.

    Here are the observation and learning for me behind this research and this idea that Happiness is the ultimate goal in life. That is each define happiness uniquely differently. How I go about living and creating this state of happiness is vary from yours. How do you define happiness?

    I leave you with this thought with the hope that it will inspire you to questions life more deeply. The action you can take is to ask yourself the question, “How do I define happiness?” Find some time in silence to reflect on this. A visualize exercise is also a great practical tool that you can use to help further define what happiness looks and feels like in your life.

    Try to visualize where you see yourself in 5 years, 10 years, and 20 years time. What does your ideal day look like? How does it feel? What are you doing with your time? Who are you with? Most importantly is your state of being considering we all ultimately desire happiness?

    Spend time in this silence and reflection. Visualize it so powerful that it almost feels like it already is. Write it down, map it out, draw some pictures. The better this visualization becomes the stronger it will define what happiness means to you. This will allow you to connect more deeply with your WHY that will guide your more beautifully through life.

    You must continue to connect with it or else it will get lost. Understand that it will continue to evolve as time passes but where you are today and what you define happiness we will guide you as it evolves. If this is the ultimate state of being that we all desire than what is? If you have nothing else yet then try this. Define what happiness means to you, lay the foundations and starting doing the work to move towards a more meaningful life.

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