
  • Descartes is one of the most famous philosophers of the modern age who wrote this line “I think, therefore I am”. Back in the day around the 16th century, this kind of thinking was most likely considered reason enough to be condemned. However in plight to defeat his own scepticism he went on to write about this belief.

    So what does it really mean? I think, therefore I am. This belief is that thought, truly creates who we are, we are what we think, and therefore what we think is critical in identifying who we are in this body that we exist.

    I believe our body to be purely a vessel to carry our mind in this one life and without the mind the body is without existence. Our connection to our body may therefore only exist due to our mind and our thought.

    Eckhart Tolle in his book, A New Earth, wrote much about self identification and the egoic state of mind. This philosophy is sometimes so rich it’s hard to wrap the mind around. I try only to write my reflections to help me more deeply understand this subject. I also believe that my simplistic writing style may help others better understand.

    300 years after Descartes another philosopher, Jean Paul Sartre, writes further on this philosophy about how thoughts create our belief on who we are and the idea of ‘I am’. At a conscious level we create our own identity by our thoughts.

    Sartre’s thoughts are that only by being aware of your thoughts can you really become your thoughts, therefore who we believe we are and our thoughts exist on a different level of consciousness. The entire process of thought than can be a bit slippery to grasp.

    If thought creates who you are, then it is not all thought that does so, as only the thought you become aware of can you truly create a sense of ‘I am’. Yet what about the thought that may exist that you are indeed not aware or disconnected from? Perhaps then your awareness of who you are and your self-identity is a mere perception or falsely created truth.

    These thoughts that we are aware of, are our, and become our, own identity. We therefor are the creaters of the thoughts and indeed the ones we are aware of.

    What are you aware of that is truly you? Is what you are aware of a true perception of who you are or are there thoughts that you could be more aware of that may enhance who you are?

    If we could not become aware of our thoughts than we perhaps would not exist. Perhaps we would exist but we certainly wouldn’t have an identity. The statement therefore may be better put, “I think and become aware, therefore I am.”

    If we could avoid creating connection to our own thoughts and being aware perhaps we could overcome many of our self-doubts, perhaps overcome many of doubts about life and what is really true.

    If we could tap into our other level of conscious thought the one in which we are unaware how could life be different?

    If we are only aware of thoughts that we notice do we indeed have thoughts that we don’t become aware yet maybe we should. What level of consciousness do these thoughts exist, is it on a subconscious level?

    If they exist than how do they influence our lives? How to they influence our actions and beliefs? If we are indeed unaware of them can they actually influence us?

    It is within our subconscious mind than and the thoughts that are created there that have no idea of what is real and what is not.  We could influence our subconscious mind into believing anything is real. Imagine that?

    Implanting positive and powerful thoughts into our subconciosu minds. Tricking in a way, making it believe in our dreams and freedoms that we desire that without awareness it has not idea if they are real or fake. This certainly could then change the thoughts that we could become aware of and from there perhaps our reality, too.

    I suppose the question is how deep does the wormhole go?

    If thought is an immediate process of us thinking in our mind, it is this thought we become aware, and this thought that creates our reality as it is now. I have millions of thoughts a day and I wonder how many sub-conscious thoughts I have.

    I am curious though, as thought seems to be created by our observation and current perception of what exists. It can also be created by our past and can bring attention also to the future. Is thought then only possible by what in life we are actually aware?

    If this thought than is provoked by our past, present and future experinces and learnings how can we create and make change to our thought moving forward?

    If we stimulate our awareness about life and all things and beings that exist within it in a positive manner rather than a negative we will change how we think. It our thoughts are then more positive and conducive to the life that we desire and not negative and limiting perhaps we can create a life that we truly desire.

    If only it appears real due to our awareness of those thoughts does it matter? Does that not help us live in this state regardless of its realness or not? Would that not make life and our perception of it greater?

    Remembering if we change the thought that we become aware of that we have the power of our self-identity. In this essence, perhaps we are all capable to achieve anything.

    My comfort with this philisopy is in the idea that we have the power to control who we think we are. If we have thoughts that we are aware of that impede on our existence we can simple understand them to be false.

    If we are only seeing this life with our current level of awareness is what we are seeing real, is it the truth. If we could become aware and connect with thoughts that we wanted to bring alive than could we not create another reality?

    I must credit the inspiration to this writing to Eckhart Tolle.

    Peace, passion and purpose.

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