Have you ever wondered why some companies do so incredibly well? They become major successes and sometimes within only a short amount of time.
Their secret: they disrupt the industries that they enter.
The path to success can be achieved simply by copying previous patterns of behaviours and success yet this strategy can be tedious. It can also often result without success.
“Those who cut against the grain, see real success.”
Following the herd, living to the status quo, walking in someone else’s footsteps can be grand. Those who cut against the grain however, see real success. They challenge the norm, and break down barriers of what was previously thought as having limits.
Richards Branson’s entire empire was built on this strategy. Break into industries that were previously thought impossible to enter and disrupt the way things were done.
In the world today for many of us we have access to a global population of up to 7 billion people. If you could create one idea, a solution to a problem that has the potential to help thousands, benefit millions then suddenly you have success.
This is why overnight people in their 20’s are having massive success and impact in the world. This is why companies like Uber, Airbnb, Facebook, Google, Dropbox, and Xiaomi, just to name a few, are making such big headlines.
The secrets for each of us as an individual to live a successful life, is to disrupt life. Using the same approach we can walk our own unique path. Cut against the grain, challenge the status quo and break down the barriers allowing you to live a life that you desire, a life by your design.
Life can become a bit like the game of life. Go to school, get educated, get married, buy a house and two cars, go on vacation each year to the same place, buy stuff that everyone else is buying, work, work, work, get promoted pay some bills, retire and die.
“Are you living life, or just working to pay the bills until you die?” Jay Samit
This is your life, this is your time, this is your journey, this life is yours to own and to in. Don’t settle for normal, challenge life, uncover your power and your purpose and live life to its fullest.
Here are the 7 secrets for disrupting your life. Success has many interpretations however I believe success is to simply achieve in life what you set out to accomplish.
Remove Your Limitations
Your up bringing, your education, your social conditioning, your culture, your peers, your friends have all built within you the perspective you hold on the world. These are your beliefs and values. They directly impact how you live life including how you behave and how you respond.
They also create what is inside you, your beliefs about what is and isn’t possible. Your fear and self-doubt not only about yourself and what is possible, but your limitations about what is possible on a larger scale.
It all stars with you. It you can work towards removing these limitations and unlocking these shackles of belief that only slow you down you will be surprised what is possible. Reality isn’t real; it is only our perceptions of reality that is real.
This is not an easy feat! If you just take the courage to stand up to the plate and start swinging the bat you will miss some shots but when you connect and hit that ball out of the park you will be able to run.
“A body at rest remains at rest and a body in motion stays in motion.”
The law of inertia states: a body at rest remains at rest and a body in motion stays in motion. When you hit that ball out of the park and start moving and challenging those limiting beliefs and assumptions you will soon find yourself unstoppable.
Know Your Value
To disrupt you life you must awaken your value. What is it that you can offer others? What can you offer the world that will be of such great value?
I think everyone has something of value to offer someone else yet the issue is that we are unaware of this value or we are still holding onto those limiting beliefs and feel what we have is of no value.
“Discover value bombs that you can offer others.”
I am here to tell you that we all have value to offer. Reflect back to your childhood, what things did you enjoy doing, what things were you good at. What about your achievements you’ve had throughout your career so far. What have they looked like? What have been your past successes?
Those passions that you once had you most likely still have and it is often within these passions you find value to offer others. Why? Because when you love what you do you become most often great at doing it and it is this greatness that others will desire. You can share and teach it to those others.
Also you past successes are an indication of your strengths and talents. There is a reason why you won that award at work, fund raised more money than the other club members, or had an article you wrote published. There may be a secret clue hidden within your accomplishments.
Sniff around and reflect back onto your life. For what you have achieved and what you are passionate about. You will most likely discover value bombs that you can offer others.
Create Ideas
The idea machine perhaps a term coined by James Altucher. The idea is to come up with and brainstorm 10 ideas a day on any one topic. The topic can be anything you like, as serious as you like and as silly as you like. The trick is to actually come up with 10 ideas each day and in doing so everyday you will become an idea machine.
The power of just one idea is huge. Having an idea use to be more of a challenge to release into the world but today with our technology and our ability to connect with the world, ideas are so much easier to spread and also create support for. Think about those companies mentioned above that are having huge success and impact in the world today. All began with just an idea.
No idea is dead. Not every idea has been thought of. Don’t let those naysayers tell you otherwise. If you have an idea find ways to allow it to flourish.
You may choose to brainstorm on it for a while, allow the idea to brew within you. You may choose to partner with others, share the idea, write about the idea, create a proposal, find people that can help you build it, find supporters and even before you actually have a physical product of service your idea can become reality.
“Don’t let you inner voice disrupt your idea, let your idea disrupt the world.”
Find Solutions
Ideas are great and not every idea will be a success actually most likely many of the ideas you have will go nowhere. Don’t be put off. An idea may flop. Please note, what the lessons that you learnt. An idea may grow but just not create traction yet it is here you may need to pivot.
The important thing is that you start moving an idea from thought into action. It is then within the action that the idea will transform, it may succeed, it may not. Yet the ideas and discoveries you make within the action phase will be very valuable.
Here is an important question. Does your idea satisfy your ego or does it solve a problem for others? If the answer is to solve a problem for others than you will be able to offer value.
Don’t tackle life on a whim. If you think if fills a need then that is great, but does it really? If you just like the idea of doing it because if will make you proud, that is also great but will it go beyond how you feel.
People have problems and people need solutions. What is your value and how can what you offer help solve the problems of others.
Minimise your focus on to just one or two things. The problem with our human mentality and the societal belief that we can multi-task and that multi-tasking is indeed good, is that we try do too much all at once.
People and companies that have massive success generally focus on only a couple of major elements at one time. There will always be many other smaller things to be done, yet focused people know what is important and therefore what must take priority.
If you try juggling too many plates at once, it may look good, but how effective will you be. It is likely you will drop many plates compared to the person just focused on juggling one.
Narrow your focus on just a few goals, projects or ideas and you are more likely to complete them in quicker time and with greater quality. Remove the other distraction and give the one thing your undivided attention.
Make sure it is what gets your attention each and every day. If other things need some focus are they conducive in taking you forward toward completing your primary focus or are the just time wasting measure, reasons to procrastinate and actually limiting to your success. If they are then remove them and stay focused!
Epic Quality
If whatever you do, do it to the best standard that you can. It is easy to copy and do things quickly but if the quality is poor it is much harder to create and level of higher success. Create epic quality content to what you do and the rest will follow with greater level of ease.
“When you become an expert you will create epic content.”
When you have too much on your plate and certainly don’t have the ability to narrow your focus, you will find it is hard to create epic quality. This is a fundamental issue with multi-tasking.
When we do many things at once it may feel and look like we are getting many things done but truly how effective are we, how much to we really achieve, how much longer does it take, and what is the quality of the end content? Don’t kid yourself in believing that you can multi-task with high levels of accomplishment and quality, you can’t.
If you do what you enjoy, if what you do you are extremely passionate about then you will become a master at it. Passionate people have greater interest and curiosity in all that the do. This accelerates their level of learning and indeed builds expert status.
When you become an expert you will create epic content.
A key quality of successful companies and successful people is persistence. Persistence is a firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
As you tackle new ideas, take action and journey towards the life you desire you will be faced with challenges and adversity. Persistence will help get you to where you want to go, giving up will not!
Having passion for what you do will help you continue through these tough times. Remaining connected to your reason and your why will allow you to stay on path and push on when things seem hopeless or at loss.
Stick to the plan, be consistent with what you do, and persist. It is not always easy but have belief and know that what you are doing is great and that it will at some point results and rewards will come. If you don’t believe in what you do you will be less inclined to continue in the hard times.
Avoid the naysayers; don’t be discouraged by haters or people that don’t see your disruptions or ability to disrupt as you do and keep going. Nothing happens overnight however if you remain persistent, greatness will happen.
What have you taken from this? Are you ready to disrupt your life? I would love to hear from you so feel free to get in touch. Until next time, peace, passion and purpose.
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I am so honored to be quoted in your blog. I couldn’t agree with the message more. In fact, I wrote an entire book to teach people how to disrupt themselves, seize opportunity and master personal transformation. Here’s a link to the video jaysamit.com
You gave me much to think about Jay. I would love a copy of your book