Why Having a “Plan B” Makes Sense
Written by Leigh Martinuzzi
Some time ago I was sitting in a recruitment room of about 100 people – mass recruitment at its best, attentively listening while the CEO told us his motivational story hopefully trying to capture our belief in himself and his company. For what it’s worth it worked because as he concluded the presentation the same 100 people just wanted to be part of his dream.
During the talk, he discussed why having a plan B, C or beyond is pointless, ensuring us all that having a plan A is all that is necessary. Plan A, in this case, would be working with his company and so a plan B or other would be pointless and likely indicate a lack of commitment. Why?
The motivation behind any plan is what drives the action essential to accomplishing it. With only one plan all your energy and focus can be sunk in to ensure its achievement. All other plans are a distraction. On top of that, if things don’t go according to plan and if things get tough, alternative plans become an easy out.
I was inspired by his speech and found myself joining this company.
The truth was at the time I had no other plans. At least career-wise. My focus became entirely set on working for this company. My goal was to make a handsome living and to prove to myself I could do it. For 3 months
I disregarded everything else in my life, putting all my energy into succeeding in this role
With this amount of commitment towards something surely there was no way, I could fail. Yet, I did. I failed!!! And I learned.
I do not despise this man for his speech nor would I accuse him of misleading or manipulating the crowd with his notion of having only one plan for our future. I would now merely question him in regard to why having a Plan A is the best bet moving forward in life.
I believe at times in life sometimes things just don’t go according to plan. The carriage can be derailed. There are many external forces outside one’s control.
What do we do when this happens?
My father told me that life isn’t meant to be easy.
In my case, Plan A didn’t work out. Regardless of how much energy and focus I dedicated to this plan, there were certain elements outside my control that forced me to exit. My cart came off the rails.
Oh shit! What now? I didn’t have any other Plans. There was no Plan B to fall back on. Or was there?
Fortunately, I’ve had plenty of experiences to know how to move past adversity in life. I’ve learned how to pick myself up and dust myself off. Lessons in failure are to be appreciated. I quickly found a Plan B.
I realised that I do have alternative Plans. I was in a position in life to have a plan C, D and E. If I thought about it enough there were probably others.
My suggestion for those of you that don’t have a Plan B would be to get one, or two. It doesn’t have to be readily available. Just a thought of what else you may do if things do not go according to plan.
Reflect on this for a while. Ponder the question. If this job or career suddenly become redundant what other opportunities are available to me. Those who are well-off financially always advise us to diversify our investments and income streams.
“Don’t put all your eggs into one basket.”
Why would we do this with our career?
Surely a diversified skill and career portfolio would be a good thing.
The way the world is now, constantly changing, I feel it’s essential. Is anyone jobs truly safe? It is naive to think that things won’t change.
Comfortable in our roles. Negligent to change. No thought of future alternative or opportunities. No effort applied to upskilling or diversifying one’s knowledge. And suddenly things become unstuck. The train falls off its tracks. What then?
We control what we can. We must take responsibility for this. Put all your effort, energy and focus on your passion, your top goal, the one project, your Plan A.
If the success of what we do relies on others, and I believe everything we set out to achieve in life does, we don’t always have the final call. When working for someone else this is certainly the case. And even they don’t have full control. The success of a business is reliant on external factors.
We can all only do our best to avoid them. I tried my damned hardest at my Plan A with this company. It didn’t work out. Having a Plan B might lessen your efforts toward your Plan A and yet having no other plans is a high-risk path in life.
The beauty of modern life is that we do have options. We have a choice. We have the availability and opportunity to explore alternative plans should things not work out. This gives us a greater level of security in life. It helps to reduce stress, anxiety and depression in hard times
If automated vehicles force the five million plus truck drives in the US out of work, what then? And what of the rest of the world. Automated vehicles will arrive. Industries will change. Entire industries will become irrelevant. Those within these fields might find having a Plan B would be worth considering.
Having a Plan B also might be an opportunity in pursuing your other passions. Whilst you still have the comfort and fortune of employment, why not? This may lead you on a path out of any dissatisfying roles or unstable work. Keeping in mind your Plan B is also not immune to change.
I believe that having a Plan B, C, and D allows gives us a little extra comfort in life. A little more confidence in knowing that other opportunities do exist. You need not actively pursue them however when things become unstuck knowing that you can is a privilege.
We do not want to fail in our pursuits. Have success with your Plan A. I am sure the CEO of this particular company, as motivated as he is towards the success of his business, has other options should things go sour.
I for one love knowing that I have the skills, opportunities and alternatives in life. There have been now a number of times in which my Plan A’s failed and it is likely to happen again. I am grateful for this. I am more confident because of it. Knowing that regardless of what happens I will be able to get back on my feet and navigate my ship across new worlds.
Leave your thoughts, comments and questions below. Reach out directly by email of social media. Peace, Passion & Purpose.
Further Reading and Resources
TED Talks: Ideas worth spreading
Elite Daily: The Voice of Generation Y
Four Hour Work Week: How to escape the 9-5, live anywhere and join the new rich.
The Minimalists: How to pursue a minimalist lifestyle and be happier.
Mind Hacks: Tips and Tricks for Using Your Brain
Rich Roll: Plantpowered Wellness Advocate
The Art of Charm: Build confidence, feel comfortable and networking differently.
The Art of Manliness: Encouraging men to be better husbands, fathers, brothers, citizens.
Tiny Buddha: Simple wisdom for complex lives.
Mind Body Green: Lifestyle media brand dedicated to inspiring you to live your best life.
Zen Habits: Find simplicity and mindfulness in life.
Creative NonFiction: “true stories well told.”
Barking Up the Wrong Tree: science-based answers and expert insight on how to be awesome at life.
The Positivity Blog: Practical articles on happiness, self-esteem, productivity and social skills.
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