
amazing guests, passionate & inspiring people, experts and thoughts on how to find your why and live with passion and purpose.

  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire

    The Gratitude Diaries How a Year Looking on the Bright Side Can Transform Your Life by Janice Kaplan

    What does it take to live with gratitude? Surprising very little, other than a dose of of awareness. Being grateful is not something new and the theory of it has been around, as far as I can tell, for aeons. Great philosophers of the past speak on why being grateful is a divine way to live life with greater fulfilment and happiness.

    Janice Kaplan decided one New Years Eve that she was going to dedicate the entire year to being more grateful for everything in her life. Simply becoming more aware of all that she has and expressing gratitude for them. What she learns and discovers she share in her book and New York Times bestseller.


  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire

    “Find yourself in the service of others.” Gandhi


    If we can practice being in greater service and aim to give back as much as possible will we raise the quality of our own lives.

    In this episode I share my thought on why in service to others will we benefit greatly in life and also aim to inspire and encourage you to become more aware on how you can start doing more today.

    Offer great value and you will receive great value.

    Peace, passion and purpose.

  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire


    Rob Scott is dedicated to helping people succeed. He has spent the last decade of his life working with thousands of people, shifting their identities, and showing them how to evolve their consciousness to get incredible results across all areas of their businesses, their health, their relationships, and their lives.

    In this episode we discuss what it means to have massive breakthroughs of more money, more health, more time and quite simply, more happiness and fulfillment. He has a couple of podcasts online and another one on the way, well worth listening to.

    Rob is literally living the dream, deeply present, loves his partner, loves his work and thankfully, he is really successful at it.

    I really hope you enjoy this chat and all the wonderful take outs. Would love to know what you walked away with so please let me know below in the commnets.

    Until next time, you know the drill, peace, passion and purpose.


  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire

    “The mind is described as being like a drunken monkey bitten by a scorpion and, just as a monkey leaps from branch to branch, so the mind leaps from one thing to another, constantly distracted.” Yogi Word or Wisdom

    In this episode I share my thoughts on doing what you must do. Staying authentic and on purpose with who you truly are and to living the life you truly desire. Your divine law is how you wish to live. Act or SIN against this that you will fall off track in life.

    I review why its important to stay aligned with your purpose and how to create more awareness of your divine law.

    Enjoy this and leave your comments and thoughts below.

    Peace, Passion and Purpose.


  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire


    “Live well today and live well tomorrow.” Roger Whitney

    Known as the Retirement Answer Man, Roger helps people manage time to create a meaningful financial life and to work toward independence. As a financial planner and retirement guru you may be thinking he is all about saving now for tomorrow but contrary to this he is more about balance- how to have more today and tomorrow.

    Roger Whitney has for 24 years expertly guided countless individuals and families to financial freedom and retirement. In this episode we discuss the ins and outs of money, investing and living a life with balance without sacrificing tomorrow. Importantly also we chat about how we can create a life that we don’t want to retire from.

    Achieving financial freedom is more than investing! Financial freedom requires lots of continual little “right” decisions about priorities and time and resource allocation. It requires consistent quality, on-going attention and knowing the key questions to ask. Not easy!

    Everyone can work towards financial freedom! I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I did and until next time, peace, passion, purpose and happy retirement.


  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire

    The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason

    “Advice is one thing that is freely given away, but watch that you only take what is worth having.” George S. Clason

    This book is founded on the people of Babylon who were apparently the first people to discover the universal laws of prosperity. The author of this 1926 book discusses the laws that are timeless to this day and are laws that are to assist anyone and everyone in creating, growing and maintaining wealth.

    Before I hear you say that people are born into money and others are more fortunate than others, that’s fine and perhaps this than isn’t a book for you nor would be my blog, it may just create some negative and burning emotions within you and that is not my intention.

    It is true that from long, long ago man has decided that life was to be lived with a high standard and since we have always continually acted to improve our own prosperity. We have also continually increased quality of living as a race, and more recently we endeavour to improve mother earth.


  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire

    The Monkey Trap-What Are You Holding Onto


    Monkey Trap

    “A cage containing a banana with a hole large enough for a monkeys fist to fit in, but not large enough, if the monkey is clutching the banana, for its fist to come out.”


    In this short thought I discuss why it’s important to learn how to let go. I relate this to the philosophy of the monkey trap. We think we cannot let go of our past or what that is holding us back but the truth is we can. We must simply become more greatly aware.

    Don’t let your thoughts, beliefs, environment, your situation hold you back from pursuing a path of passion and purpose – from living the life you dream.

    Peace, passion and purpose…..


  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire


    “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”


    Eric is the creator and host of The One You Feed Podcast and a lifestyle coach. He has taken his journey in life through some very tough times including alcohol addiction and becoming homeless. It is through these challenges he has learnt a heck of a lot and now wishes to share those with you.

    He is a big believer in the wolf theory that he describes as that we become the one we feed. We both have both the good and bad wolf within us and if we feed the good wolf we become the good wolf – feed the bad wolf and we become the bad wolf.

    In this episode we chat about addiction, the reason for it, the why, and also advice, tips and thoughts on how to overcome it. Noting that dramatic change is possible. We chat about the good and bad wolf and whether there is a need for balance. We also look at podcasting and the importance of starting and have a deeper reason to wanting to start other than something superficial or external.

    I really hope you enjoy my conversation with Eric. If you would like to reach out to either of us please do and please leave your comments below. Until next time, peace, passion and purpose.


  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire

    “Do nothing of no use.” Miyamoto Musashi

    In this episode I discuss why it’s really important to become more conscious and aware of everything you do. What doing what you do with intent and purpose is likely to take you closer to living the life you so dream of with greater ease.

    With so many distractions and so much external noise that we encounter everyday it’s now easier than ever before to go about your day doing that which lacks much purpose. This will lead you nowhere.

    Do things that strengthen your mind, do things that matter to you – aligned with your values, and do things that rise internally not externally. This is a sure way to live life with greater happiness.

    Enjoy! Peace, passion and purpose.

  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire


    “You can’t have peace in the world until you know it in you own heart.”


    Marlise Karlin is an internationally renowned thought leader, visionary and author of The Simplicity in Stillness Method – pioneering mind-body research.

    The emotional and physical trauma of her past, and the illnesses it caused, ignited her search to discover new solutions. Converging 25 years of study in Eastern holistic traditions and modern science, including Epigenetic’s and Neuroplasticity, Marlise developed The Simplicity of Stillness®, SOS Method.

    The Simplicity of Stillness, SOS, is the easiest, most effective thing you can do to be happier, healthier, and smarter. It’s a meditation based method that helps you release stress, access peace of mind and resilience – in only 5 minutes. Even if you’ve never been able to meditate, now you can, because SOS Method works – even if your mind isn’t still. And if you’ve meditated for years, you’ll find it helps you get to that sweet spot in a lot less time.

    In this episode we discuss all things mediation obviously including the science behind it such as neuroplasticity and epigenetic’s. The practice of using mediation as a tool, will help you reach higher levels of happiness, health, and knowledge. It will rewire how you respond to all the life throws at you so you can life’s path without so much struggle.

    Please enjoy and until next time peace, passion and purpose.


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