
amazing guests, passionate & inspiring people, experts and thoughts on how to find your why and live with passion and purpose.

  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire

    Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, Revised Edition by Robert B. Cialdini


    What a great book. I used the audio version and really enjoyed the insights the writer shares as to the psychology behind makes people say ‘yes’.

    It shares 6 principles that are, reciprocation, commitment and consistency, social proof, authority, liking and scarcity.

    Now for the purpose of my review I have no desire to delve into the 6 principles and any great details but would highly recommend you get your self a copy of this book and have a read, or listen in this case.

    So why? Why would this have any relevance to my mission, the hidden why.


  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire

    Master Your Practice

    “An ounce of practice is worth more than tonnes of preaching.” Mahatma Gandhi

    Hello wonderful people. My thought today is on practice. Why its important to practice, practice, practice.

    I woke up and went through my wonderful routines, mediation, yoga, journalling and writing. This are some of those things, practices, that I do that seems to amplify happiness.

    I hope there is some value here for you and would love your thoughts so please leave them below. Peace, passion and purpose.




  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire


    “Find the place where your deep gladness meets the place where the world is in deep hunger.”


    Gregg Levoy is the author of best selling books, Vital Signs and Callings. He is a former “behavioral specialist” at USA Today, and a regular blogger for Psychology Today. He is a lecturer and seminar-leader in the business, educational, governmental, faith-based and human-potential arenas, inspiring people to create a life that is not simply a knock off.

    We start off the conversation talking about our fascination with vampires & zombies and how that relates to the culture we exist-one that is anxious about having the life sucked out of us. The fascination may also exist out of the desire to want more excitement and variety in our lives, an opportunity to experience another reality that exists beyond our current and perhaps dull or boring existence.



  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire

    Instant Gratification vs Delayed Gratification

    “As we get past our superficial material wants and instant gratification we connect to a deeper part of ourselves, as well as to others, and the universe.” Judith Wright

    In this solo show I discuss my thought on instant gratification and delayed gratification. I believe that we have become so accustomed to having instant gratification that we have moved away from and forgotten what it means to live with delayed gratification.

    In the information age, where we have access to more things and quicker, we grow to expect everything will be quick. There are certainly instant wins to be had in this life but most grand wins take time. This is why its important to understand and live with delayed gratification.

    Here are my thoughts and my wish is that you can take some of your own thoughts away from this, to help make your mission in living life with greater passion and purpose more true. Until next time, peace, passion and purpose.

  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire

    On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction  by William Zinsser

    Zinsser was a master writer. He has written over 18 best sellers and countless of other essays, weblogs, & publications over his lifetime. This book is one that I have many authors recommend reading including Tim Ferris- author of the 4 Hour Work Week.

    What I enjoyed about his book is the practical tips, methods and principles that Zinsser shares from the very first page. I was enthralled with his with his ability to communicate his message- educating me while also holding me down. I didn’t want to stop reading.

    Some of the principles I have become to understand such as using simplicity in writing and also the need to remove clutter. The principles allow the reader to remain involved without getting distracted or losing any understanding. There were many principles however that were new to me.


  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire


    “If you want a better answer ask a better question.”


    Wayne Donnelly is a Hypno-therapist and motivational speaker helping people to become untuck in their lives and make massive change. He gets a great sense of joy and satisfaction from helping people achieve significant change in their life. He also enjoys entertaining and making people laugh and loves to host entertainment events with a hypnosis theme.

    In this show we discuss all things hypnosis in efforts to demystify what it is, what the benefits are and why it helps so many people overcome major challenge in life and make significant change. We talk about phobias and overcoming fear in general, why it’s never too late to make a career change in life, and how our conscious and subconscious thoughts work.


  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire

    3 Minute Thought: Goals- Live Towards the Life You Desire

    “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” Anthony Robbins


    My thought today is all about the importance of having goals. Recently having made a major move I have found my days filled with tasks that aren’t taking me towards the goals I have set. This leaves me unfulfilled and less happy day-to-day.

    Having goals gives me more purpose. Doing those things daily that are taking me towards my goals helps me get closer to the life that I desire.

    What are your goals- what life do you want to live? Goals make waking up more satisfying!

    Please enjoy and until next time, peace, passion and purpose.

  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire


    Niklas is a young and enthusiasti-action coach who is on his on personal transformational journey and has a great deal to share about life, following you passions and doing what it takes to continually improve yourself.

    Not so long ago, life for Nik wasn’t grand. He was nowhere near a meaningful relationship, shy and fearful, worried about what everyone else thinks, bad habits, and lack of exercise and in all no real clue of what he wanted in life.

    Then he discovers personal improvement. The idea was to focus on improving in four key aspects important to living a successful life- mental, spiritual, physical, and emotional health. If you just improve 1% each day then over the course of your life you will become a master- the cumulative affects of this are huge. Inspired by James Altucher.


  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire

    “The trouble with retirement is that you never get a day of.” Abe Lemons


    In this weeks solo show I discuss my thoughts on retirement and why I now believe that the traditional approach to it is dead. No longer should we aim for retirement but rather we should aim for freedom. 

    Inspired by the likes of Tim Ferriss and the 4 Hour Work Week and other mentors and guests of mine, I review the pros and cons to early retirement as compared to the opposite- never to retire. 

    I hope you enjoy this thought of mine and would like to encourage you to share your opinions and shed some more light on retirement. 

    Until next time, peace, passion and purpose. 


  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire


    “Do or do not, there is not try.” Yoda


    Natalie Sisson aka the Suitcase Entrepreneur is all about creating epic online business to allow her to live a free life. This has certainly not always been the case but now she shares this passion of hers to help others enrich their lives by creating awesome online businesses. She is on a mission to help 1,000,000+ entrepreneurs create true freedom in their life by 2020.

    In this episode Natalie shares her journey and advice on how to live a life that is free, rich and abundant. We discuss why living in line with you passion is critical in creating your life of freedom, what it means to be productive plus tools that you can use. We even review some online social media strategies that can help build your audience and create your tribe.

    Techniques to help find your passion are also discussed. Natalie shares advice on staying motivated, connecting and networking with people. Is it possible for anyone to create this kind of lifestyle? Find out in this episode.

    It’s a very cool discussion and I  encourage you to leave your comments below. Until next episode, peace, passion and purpose.


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