The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals by Chris McChesney, Sean Covey and Jim Huling
This book is written for organisations and leaders to help achieve rapid behaviour changing results amongst their teams and employees. The principles and strategies that have been tested and proven to work, can be directly applied to our own lives.
As we are our greatest leader in life, I feel that you will be able to adapt these principles to help you become a master at execution. The four principles that are discussed in this book are: Focusing on the wildly important; Acting on lead measures; Keeping a compelling scoreboard; and Creating a cadence of accountability.
Don’t Take Advice From Broke Unhappy People
“You are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with.”
In this episode I discuss why its not a great idea to live your life based on others opinions. I discuss why taking advice from broke unhappy people may only lead to to where they themselves are.
It is better to follow and receive advice from those that you wish to be more like. I would suggest that is not broke and unhappy people. Those that you surround yourself with are likely what you will become.
Just a thought- I hope it provides some value. Until next time peace, passion and purpose.
“Is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, and does it improve the silence?”
Gayle Hardie is internationally recognised for her capability, enthusiasm and experience in the world of leadership and organisational transformation. She is the cofounder of the Global Leadership Foundation that has allowed her to pursue a number of her passions. Among these include working with leaders and individuals in transformation, emotional health, planning and development, mentoring and coaching.
In this episode we discuss all things on transformational leadership and change, emotional health, why environment is paramount, practices including meditation, competition vs. abundance, why choice is a gift and how we must all take responsibility for the leadership of our own lives through the choices we make.
There is so much GOLD in this episode I really hope you enjoy. Leave your comments, thoughts and until next time peace, passion and purpose.
“What is one thing in life you will not compromise?”
“This is your life yours, its yours to live as you wish, towards all those things that you desire. Dream big! Go after everything that you want and make sure its in line with what your passionate about and make sure everything you do is purposeful in getting you there.”
In this weeks solo show I decided to get a couple of past guests and friends on the show to have an open chat about The Hidden Why and subjects within. However, Daniel Van Veluwen thought it would be a great idea to instead turn the tables and interview me.
This is an interview with myself discussing who I am, what I am doing and why I am doing this project, The Hidden Why. Its a really down to earth chat about various things but importantly about what it means to live life with greater passion and purpose.
We delve off on various tangents along the way with I believe some valuable take-outs. Please enjoy this show and until next time peace, passion and purpose.
“Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, if you teach a man to fish he will eat for a lifetime.”
Alex is a young enthusiastic entrepreneur who has helped build several multi-million-dollar entertainment brands however that is not what gets him about of bed nowadays. His biggest passion today is helping inspire other entrepreneurs tackle the challenges in life and create epic online business that are inline with their passions. In line with his career as a mentor and coach he has written a best-selling book and also does speaking.
In this discussion we discuss all the intricacies of what it takes to discover your why, including the importance of becoming immersed in self-development, having patience, being persistent and consistent. The conversation works its way into planning, how to connect with people to build your tribe, and following and also the importance of self-love.
It’s a great conversation and certainly many deep take-outs from this episode to help you find your why and keep on pushing forward. Remember to enjoy it! Please leave your comments below and until next time peace, passion and purpose.
Tops Books of 2015: My top 10
Ok, so here it is, a little delayed but I got there. This is my 2015 top 10 book selection. Some of them are in my top 10 of all time.
Why is reading so important? Well for me its simple- I learn stuff. Sounds a little nerdy but the joy and excitement I get from learning is powerful in my life. I believe it would be powerful in anyone’s life.
It is a common behaviour among the successful as well, so it must have some credibility. Actually I heard a while back that reading a book every week is like doing a college degree every year. The rewards are huge.
“Trust is the glue of life. Its the most essential ingredient in effective communication. Its the foundational principle that holds all relationships.” Stephen Covey
Trust: a firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something.
In this 3 minute thought I review my thoughts on trust. I highlight that trust has amazing powers. It is often hard for us to trust everything.
If you can practice trust to a point where you can trust everything great benefits will come.
Trust is a higher and more powerful energy than distrust. By focusing on trust you will remove distrust, you will attract more energy fields that contain trust- like trusting people and less likely to receive distrust.
Start with trust, don’t start with distrust. Here are my thoughts, peace, passion and purpose.
“It’s my hero’s journey and it just goes to prove that we can be called to do almost anything in this life.”
Kim “Skipper” Corbin created the iSkip movement back in 1999 Kim found herself being, encouraged by a friend, skipping down a street. Having felt a great sense of energy, happiness & fun from this and knowing that it must be fantastic for fitness, she was inspired to take it one skip further. Her vision was to start a world wide skipping movement and so it begins.
In this interview we discuss why it’s important to pay attention to the signals and messages in life and how this, in a spiritual sense, is our connection to the universe. Asking questions and holding an open and curious mind that allows you to grow, learn and take hold of opportunities that comes about is also important.
The Change Game Part 2: The Practice to Manage Healthy Change
“Don’t be afraid of change. You may lose something good but gain something even better.”
In this episode I follow on from my previous solo show of change- episode 070. If you havent listened to this episode yet, I suggest it a good place to start.
This time however I hone in on principles that can assist you to practice and manage change in more harmony. Change is easy but learning practices that help you deal with the change can make it easier.
I focus on 6 areas: create Awareness ; Accept-dont Resist; Reflection; Seek Positive Input; and Find Joy.
I really hope you can take away something from my thoughts on change and I will be writing and posting full blogs on this topic very soon.
Until next time, peace, passion and purpose.
“Don’t die while your music is still within you.”
Spirituality and enlightenment is often something that is seen as only available to only those “wise gurus” however the process to enlightenment is something that we can all share. The issue is trying to make sense of all the information- it can be a little overwhelming. Bring in Kirstie Ganobsik and Trina Noelle.
They write and share lessons they have learnt as well as common sense approaches and experiences, sometimes humorous, that help make our understanding of self practice of enlightenment less intimidating and more achievable. In this crazy world we live in we can all certainly benefit from these practices, tips, tricks and other methods to help live our lives with more fulfillment and peace.
In this episode we have a down to earth chat about enlightenment but if that’s word is too much to digest basically we talk about how to find your passion and purpose, and how to live life with greater peace and calmness. The ideas and thoughts we share in this discussion can benefit us all.
I really hope you enjoy today’s show and please let me know what you think. Until next time, peace, passion and purpose.

amazing guests, passionate & inspiring people, experts and thoughts on how to find your why and live with passion and purpose.