Tittle: Subtitle by Author
“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” Benjamin Franklin
This book is a recipe for productivity. It will help you become more disciplined and focused in achieving all that you desire on your journey to living with greater passion and purpose.
The subtitle of the book gives you a good indication as to what you can expect and that is to learn how to dominate your day before breakfast. Throughout this book Jeff shares practices, tips and advice on how you can master your day, master your life and essentially become more effective in how you approach life.
The idea of dominating your day before breakfast is not a new one but is currently a little bit trendy. I feel it’s like the next meditation wave.
“The more you sweet in peace, the less you bleed in war.” Chinese Proverb
Get into some solid mooring routines and part of that includes getting up and get some exercise in.
This is a prime way to get the blood flowing, get your energy level up, get the brain working and in doing this you will feel better for it.
You will be in a greater position to tackle the day and you when it ends I can almost guarantee that you will finish the day with less challenge, with more achieved and a feeling of enlarged satisfaction.
Get into this habit- it can transform you life.
Enjoy this thought and let me know what your exercise routine looks like.
Peace, passion and purpose!
“If money were no object what will you be doing?”
Elizabeth is a fire cracker and ambition woman that has had really great success in the finance and investment world. She began her journey as a young teenage mum but having the desire to support and raise her family she ambitiously set out on a career. She made loads of money is a pretty quick time and had so many great things and experiences but found she was not really happy.
It was this realisation she really began to discover her real calling and really began to strive to live more true to her-self. She is now a mentor and coach to help empower others to really connect with their inner self and assist them to reach both financial and emotional freedom.
“The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep” Robert Frost
How well do you sleep? In this episode I reveal discoveries I have made through my interviews, reading and learnings that have helped me better understand my sleep patterns and certainly moved me towards a better nights sleep.
If you would like to read the blog I wrote on these findings you can do so by clicking this link here.
So I thought I would share. Listen in and let me know what you think in the comments section below. Until next time sleep well, peace, passion, and purpose.
“You can buy success, you have to pay the rent everyday.” Kevin Clayson
Kevin Clayson describes himself as a pretty simple fellow yet when you listen to this episode you may think otherwise. He comes across with so much energy it is contagious. I found myself talking faster and pumped-up as if I just had 8 red bulls myself, which he jokingly says he had prior to this interview.
He reveals many great tips and tricks and certainly in our chat we uncover useful ideas and inspiration for all of us on our journey. We also discuss his book, FLIPing the Gratitude Switch, which is something he has worked on over the last few years. Speaking in front of many people sharing this information. The FLIP philosophy is awesome!
The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller
Extraordinary results are directly determined by how narrow you can make your focus. -Gary Keller
This is a must read and what I love about this book is that its purpose is very aligned with its key message and that is to focus on just one thing.
If you are like me you struggle to juggle the complexity of everything in life, from managing business and work to spending more time with friends and family.
For those entrepreneurial types out there you will surely be frustrated by the multitude of things you have to do on any given day and most likely struggle to handle the amount of projects or even ideas that you have.
With all the distractions in life that we face daily to handling all our goals and desires the biggest challenge is often then focus. To have focus!
“Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy.” Tony Robbins
Great and powerful beliefs have the ability to transform you life. You can create powerful beliefs and influence you beliefs however initial belief is only powerful enough to get your started to assist you in taking the first step.
Greater beliefs however are created through behaviours. By taking action and then committing consistently to those behaviours that you desire, you will transform your neural pathways more permanently.
Enjoy this thought! Peace, passion and purpose.
“Become loyal to your inner most truth, follow the way when all others abandoned it, walk the path of your own heart.” Bali
Helen’s passion and love is to help people overcome depression and anxiety so that they can live a life they love and to their ultimate potential. With the fact that 65 percent of the workforce suffers with anxiety and depression, inhibiting them from doing what could be doing, she has great value to offer. She helps people remove these blocks so they can lead lives with full passion and purpose.
Among other things Helen is a hypnotherapist, author, speaker, business mentor, and is the founder of Hypnofit that has helped thousands of people radically enhance their energy, vitality and motivation.
“I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.” Albert Einstein
In this episode I discuss and disclose why turning off the TV may just be the best thing you could ever do. This doesn’t mean necessarily to live without it altogether, although that wouldn’t be the worse thing but simply to reduce the time you spend hugging it.
I discuss the ins and outs or why it is not only damaging to our use of time and productivity but also out thoughts. Balance is good, if you can handle balance, and the modern age comes with many great privileges. However we as humans tend to over indulge and consume in excess.
Take back control by removing the control from your life. I challenge you to take the 21 day challenge. Find out more in the show.
“If always seems impossible until its done.”
Ayse Birsel is from Turkey and after moving to the US to study she went on to work in product design, which is a fascinating field of work. Several years ago Ayse and her partner, Bibi Seck, opened up their own design studio, Birsel + Seck.
She has designed products for many big brands including the number one toilet seat in the world for Toto. We discuss this story, which is really interesting in itself.
In this interview we discuss Ayse’s book which involves designing the life that you love using principles that she has taken from her professional career. This includes deconstructing your current life, gaining new perspective and insight, and then reconstructing and designing your ideal life.

amazing guests, passionate & inspiring people, experts and thoughts on how to find your why and live with passion and purpose.