Losing My Virginity- the Autobiography by Richard Branson
“You only live once, and I just don’t want to waste a minute of my life.” Richard Branson
I have been meaning to read this biography for years. I remember closer to when I finished school looking up to Richard and all his success, and telling myself I must read his biography and learn what he does.
Life got in the way, I got side tracked and to be truthful getting through a book that long back than would have given me headaches just thinking about it.
Now I have read it and I tell you what, it feels good. Not because I achieved it but more so the information and insight I have experienced as Richard shares all, in his life’s journey.
“Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will open.”
The law of attraction states that we can attract and manifest with our thoughts all that we desire. It goes about saying the the Universe has a powerful and magnetic ability to attract similar energies. If you put into practice positive and powerful manifestation of all the you desire you can transform your reality.
A little hippie and out there and in part I share this belief. I do believe that we, using our thoughts can attract into our lives those things we desire. I also believe that we can attract into our lives things we don’t desire. The power of our thoughts and the Universe.
“Enjoy yourself; it’s going to be awesome.”
Jairek is on a mission to help both organisations and individuals reach their peak performance rapidly and when they get there helping them sustain it.
He runs a lifestyle business that allows him to work flexibly around the world while still helping others reach their individuals and business goals.
In this interview we discuss his journey and what he has learned along the way in searching for self-discovery and what light him up. This includes the exploration of and trying new things and having varying experiences. You can always come back to those things you enjoy but through various experiences can you truly discover your deeper reason and why.
We discuss many other interesting topics including: whether its good to have a plan A and B; how to best integrate work and life; what he has learned from a mentor of his, Gary Vaynerchuk, the art of hustle; chasing dreams and also his rituals and routines.
Please leave your comments and thoughts and until next time peace, passion and purpose.
“It is only in active self-expression and pursuit of our own aims that we can become free.” Brendon Burchard
What is it that drive you to do what you do every day? Why do you do what you do? Most likely it is the drive towards more freedom.
It doesn’t matter who you are, where you live, you age, colour of your skin or indeed the size of your bank account we all desire and are drive by the motivational force of FREEDOM.
The issue is that for many of us we have lost this connection in life and simply go about our life with less passion, purpose, meaning and significance.
It is up to us to once again take charge, declare, commit and claim back our rights for our personal freedom. That is my goal in this episode. I hope you enjoy, are inspired and go on and continue writing your own story and create your destiny.
Catherine Duvel| Thought Leader, Cultural Development, Psychotherapist discussing Mindset, Self-Awareness, & Overcoming Self-Doubt
“Be the change to wish to see”. Gandhi
Cathy is passionate about enabling organisations and their people to cultivate environments that support individuals and groups to become their best and do their best for themselves, their businesses and communities.
Incorporating the latest research from neuroscience with leading edge models and processes, Cathy designs and delivers programs tailored to the clients’ needs.
In this interview we discuss individual transformation in regards to mindset, self-awareness, limiting assumptions, being able to listen to yourself and following your desires in life. This is a very in depth discussion and important for everyone in life I believe.
The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure by Grant Cardone
“As long as you are alive, you will either live to accomplish your own goals and dreams or be used as a resource to accomplish someone else’s.” Grant Cardone
This is the first book by Grant Cardone I have read and actually the truth is I listened to this one and loved it. Audio is a great way to consume more when your on the go, and if I can listen to one book every fortnight that is one book more and that equates to an additional 25 books a year.
All the successful people in this world read and listen to educational material in order to continually learn and they never stop their efforts to do so, ever!
What I loved about this book is that Grant himself read it which is important I think when it comes to audio books because the message is conveyed better than having someone else read it and with more energy, passion and purpose.
“If you want to have a life you love and actually want to feel it along the way, get ready to turn yourself inside-out.” Jeffrey Slayter.
If you want to live a life or your absolute biggest dreams and desires than you need to delve into personal transformation.
Without growth, without continual learning and improvement nothing will change. If you want all your dreams to come true than get ready to turn yourself inside-out.
Change takes courage, time and can be challenging. You need to become more self-aware.
Don’t sit back, don’t follow the crowd. To break free of mediocracy learn to grow. Step outside your comfort zone.
Attend seminars, read books, listen to books, listen to positive and motivational material. Immerse yourself in personal development and self-improvement.
Make change and live with great peace, passion and purpose.Summary
“If its not a heck yes than it’s a no.”
Brian is a passionate podcaster and does a lot of podcasting. He is currently the host of four podcasts and working on some additional ones behind the scenes. His purpose is to empower and encourage others from behind the mic. His business is about hosting podcasting for businesses to help save them the time.
In this episode we discuss the intricacies of the entrepreneurial lifestyle that is not an easy path and is not going to be for everyone. For Brian he simply couldn’t work the 9 to 5 job he simply had too much desire to do his own thing. Entrepreneurism comes with a lot of great freedom but equally loaded with hard work, hustle and tough challenges.
“When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier.” Roy E. Disney
In this solo show I discuss the importance of setting and defining you values. This are personal values and areas in life that are important to you.
Your values are your principles or standards of behaviour or how indeed you judge what is important in life.
I also share advice and an activity that you can do to help define your values and prioritise in order of importance so that you can then use them to direct you in life.
“It took me ten years to become an overnight success.”
Tony Stubblebine is the co-founder and CEO of Coach.me, which is a coaching platform designed to reach a greater audience, providing online coaching at affordable prices. You no longer need to be rich to afford a coach, actually for a couple of cups of coffee a week, you can coached in just about anything.
In this episode we discuss how you can find your passion and avoid the anxiety in doing so. When your fundamental human needs are taken care of, than you should be able to confidently search for commit to what you want to do.
The issue for many of us is that we expect we will find it straight away and this is not always the case. The message is clear, do not give up, don’t loose confidence and don’t stop asking that questions.
Find you passion and make a trade off, because your life’s purpose is important. What is the legacy your want to leave behind? What do you want to be remembered for?
Enjoy! Peace, passion and purpose…
“Its better to work on your passion than not, that is your life.”

amazing guests, passionate & inspiring people, experts and thoughts on how to find your why and live with passion and purpose.